
Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by Randy_Bell, Nov 25, 2002.

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  1. Randy_Bell

    Randy_Bell Registered Member

    May 24, 2002
    Santa Clara, CA
    Symantec Security Response - W32.HLLW.Winevar

    W32.HLLW.Winevar is a mass-mailing worm that disables some Antivirus and Firewall programs and drops and executes the W32.FunLove.4099 virus.

    Symantec Security Response encourages you to block any attachments in the emails that have .pif or .ceo extensions.

    W32.HLLW.Winevar arrives in an email that contains three attachments. The names are variable but they will have the format:

    WIN[some characters].TXT (12.6 KB) MUSIC_1.HTM
    WIN[some characters].GIF (120 bytes) MUSIC_2.CEO
    WIN[some characters].PIF

    Type: Worm
    Infection Length: 89KB
    Systems Affected: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me
    Systems Not Affected: Macintosh, OS/2, Unix, Linux

    and here's the information about Funlove:
    Symantec Security Response - W32.Funlove.4099

    W32.FunLove.4099 replicates under Windows 95/98/Millenium and Windows NT. It infects programs that have .exe, .scr, and .ocx extensions. What is notable about this virus is that it uses a new strategy to attack the Windows NT file security system, and it runs as a service on Windows NT systems. [/me]

    Type: Virus
    Infection Length: 4099 bytes

    How FunLove works
    Files infected with W32.FunLove.4099 insert the Flcss.exe file into the \Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me) or \Winnt\System32 (Windows NT) folder. Whenever the 4,608-byte Flcss.exe file can be created, the virus attempts to execute it as a service on computers running Windows NT. If for any reason the service can not be executed, the virus creates a thread inside the infected program. This thread infects local and network drives by searching for Portable Executable (PE) files with .exe, .scr, or .ocx extensions. The thread then executes inside the infected process and the main thread of the program takes control. In most cases, this does not cause any noticeable delays. When the virus can execute itself as a service process under the "FLC" name, other infected programs will try to insert the Flcss.exe file, but will not create a new infection thread. W32.FunLove.4099 is the second virus that runs as a service on Windows NT.

    The WNT.RemEx.A (W32.RemoteExplore) virus is very similar in its functions to W32.FunLove.4099, but W32.FunLove.4099 can run on both Windows 95/98 and Windows NT. It is, therefore, considered more successful than WNT.RemEx.A. When the virus runs as a service, it can spread on the local drives, even if no one is logged on. Because of this, the virus can infect files that are normally not accessible after the logon. For example, the virus can infect Explorer.exe on a Windows NT system.

    On Windows 95/98 computers, infected programs place the Flcss.exe file in the \System folder and try to execute it as a regular process. If the process cannot be executed, the virus tries to execute the infection thread inside the infected host program.

    This virus also attacks the Windows NT file security system. For the virus to attempt the attack, it needs administrative rights in Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation during the initial infiltration. Once the Administrator or someone with the equivalent rights logs on, W32.FunLove.4099 has the opportunity to modify the Ntoskrnl.exe file, the Windows NT kernel located in the \Winnt\System32 folder. The virus modifies only two bytes in a security API named SeAccessCheck. W32.FunLove.4099 is then able to give full access to all files to all users, regardless of its original protection, whenever the computer is booted with the modified kernel. This means that a Guest--who has the lowest possible rights on the system--can read and modify all files, including files that are normally accessible only by the Administrator. This is a potential problem, because the virus can spread everywhere, regardless of the actual access restrictions on the particular computer. Furthermore, after the attack, no data can be considered protected from modification by any user.

    Unfortunately, the consistency of Ntoskrnl.exe is checked only once during the startup process. The loader, Ntldr, checks Ntoskrnl.exe when it loads into physical memory during startup. If the kernel becomes corrupted, Ntldr is supposed to stop loading Ntoskrnl.exe and display an error message, even before a "blue screen" appears. To avoid this, W32.FunLove.4099 patches Ntldr so that no error messages are displayed, and Windows NT will boot successfully, even if its checksum does not match the original. Since no code checks the consistency of Ntldr itself, the patched kernel will be loaded without notifying the user. Because Ntldr is a hidden, system, and read-only file, W32.FunLove.4099 changes the attributes of it to "archive" before it attempts to patch it. The virus does not change the attribute of Ntldr back to its original value after the patch. FunLove can also infect local and network drives. It enumerates the mapped network drives and infects PE files on those computers. In addition, the Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntldr patch is performed on the network drives. Whenever a computer with sufficient rights maps the System drive of a computer running Windows NT, the virus modifies the kernel and the loader components over the network.

    The Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntldr patches are executed by a routine picked up from the Bolzano virus. In fact, more than 50 percent of the virus code shows similarities to the Bolzano virus. It is very likely that the author of these two viruses is the same person.

    How FunLove locates the mapped drives on a system
    FunLove uses the Windows function call WNetEnumResourceA. Details on this function can be found in the Microsoft Developer Network documentation.

    Can Ntoskrnl.exe be infected across the network, without Flcss.exe actually being copied to the system?
    The worm infects every network drive that it finds through the call to WNetEnumResourceA. As long as the drive is writeable, FunLove will modify Ntoskrnl.exe over the network, even without dropping Flcss.exe onto the system. FunLove does not actually infect Ntoskrnl.exe, but it changes the file's security function. Once the affected computer is restarted, the modified Ntoskrnl.exe and Ntldr are loaded, and security is compromised.

    Files not infected
    The virus does not infect files that begin with the following characters in their names:

    These are partial file names of antivirus programs, as well as a few other programs.
  2. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    I-Worm.Winevar, WORM_WINEVAR.A, W32/Korvar, Worm/Bride.C, W32.HLLW.Winevar

    At the time of writing Sophos has received no reports from users affected by this worm. However, we have issued this advisory following enquiries to our support department from customers.

    W32/Winevar-A is a dropper for the virus W32/Flcss and a worm which spreads by emailing itself via SMTP to addresses on the local computer. The worm makes use of the IFrame vulnerability in certain versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Outlook which allows attachments to be run automatically when viewing an infected email.

    The worm copies itself to the Windows system folder as WINXXXX.PIF (where
    XXXX represents a random four-digit number) and adds to the following registry entries to run itself on system restart:


    The worm also drops a copy of itself on the Windows Desktop as EXPLORER.PIF.

    W32/Winevar-A drops W32/Flcss within the Windows system folder as WINXXXX.TMP (where XXXX represents a random four-digit number).

    Emails tend to have the following characteristics:

    From: <registered owner>
    Subject: <registered organisation>
    Message text: "<registered owner> - <registered organisation>"

    W32/Winevar-A creates several entries within the registry at HKCR\Software\Microsoft\DataFactory, which is a repository of the addresses to which an infected email has been sent.

    When run the HTM file adds an entry to the registry so that CEO files are interpreted as EXE files by the operating system.

    W32/Winevar-A may terminate certain processes and delete files.

    On system restart W32/Winevar-A displays the message "Make a fool of oneself: What a foolish thing you've done!".


  3. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Removal tool available: http://www.sarc.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.hllw.winevar.removal.tool.html


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