Vista Home premium + Kubuntu 8.10 Image restore

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Dark Shadow, Oct 29, 2008.

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  1. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    Hi guys I need to pick your brains here a bit.I just as of recent been getting into the linux distros and here is what I did.After trying out Unbuntu 8.04,8.10 and Kubuntu 8.10 I choose the latter.Now what I did is run the live CD and let it partion my drive and It worked great.I Now have the choose to boot vista or kubuntu and my partions is the following windows 32 bit and kubuntu 64bit it worked:D Now here is my concern I have images of vista on a external drive 1 image has complete with the MBR and others just of the entire pc minus the MBR.I also made a boot disk this was all done with paragon drive backup express.I have tested the images and they work before the partion split thats is.What happens if I have to restore a image on vista or need to use the bootdisk to restore.What happens if I make images now with the split partion of the different OS. :doubt: Thanks in advance.

    ps.To admins,moderators thanks for moving my topic and sorry I posted in wrong area.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2008
  2. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    I guess it may depend on which imaging program you use, but when I've used Clonezilla for example, and did an image and tried to restore it on a partition smaller than the original, it complained, but went ahead and tried to restore it, but then it did fail, things were corrupted. Perhaps the commerical apps can do better or handle that, but I'd beware. I'm thinking you will probably lose Linux if you restore your original image onto that disk (at best), and you may not even get your original OS restore until you restore onto the full disk as the image was originally taken.
  3. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    Thanks Kerodo thats my suspicion as well of losing linux not a big deal if I had to reinstall it but future image back ups I assume would not do much good either but I have not a clue is this area.I am still in shock How the Same HDD partion can run 32bit and 64bit.I did not think that would work but it does and nicely I might add.forgive me being nieve is this area.
  4. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    You can boot x32 and x64 on separate partitions, I assume that's what you have there. I also am assuming that you let Kubuntu resize your Win partition and shrink it, and make room for itself on a new partition.

    If you wanted to keep this current partition setup, you could take a new image of both Win and Linux partitions separately, and those would be good in the future on the same partition sizes etc...

    I use Clonezilla cause it does both Win and Linux. Also it's free.
  5. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    You assume correctly and good point.:thumb:
  6. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    I am waiting for tomorrow (hopefully) to give Ubuntu and Kubuntu 8.10 finals a shot here also. Both are favorites of mine......
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