Trouble in Nvidia land

Discussion in 'hardware' started by markymoo, Jul 14, 2008.

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  1. markymoo

    markymoo Registered Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    There is trouble in Nvidialand. AMD’s new graphics cards apparently have surprised Nvidia, forcing the company to cut the prices of its new cards. Sources told TG Daily that Nvidia is adjusting its marketing strategy to GeForce 8800 cards to avoid what has all the signs for a big sales decline on the high end. Of course, that means that it is a good time for graphics cards shoppers. Here’s some insight in what you can expect to find on the market.

    Full Article
  2. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    hey,thanks for posting
    all i can say is bout time!
    nvidia needed compotition. otherwise they can sell for whatever crazy price they want.
  3. Arup

    Arup Guest

    This is good news indeed and hopefully AMD will stay in contention in the CPU field as well or get ready for loads of Intel mediocrity sold at a hyped price.
  4. markymoo

    markymoo Registered Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    yes yes. ATI should sell alot. here in UK we still pay alot for graphics card. the ATI drivers are alot better these days. i used to have friend get latest top Nvidia card every 6-8 months which i thought was crazy, he was such a Nvidia fanboy. I laughed when i beat him with my half the cost ATI one time. I love to hear what he thinks now.

    what is not mentioned in the article is that the AMD has another card coming out. The ATI Radeon HD R700 (4870 x2 ) in late Aug/Sep selling for $549 which beats Nvidia's top of the range 280. so that should make it alot more interesting. Nvidia promoting the 8800 i can't see it will help.

    yes good to see the underdog biting back.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  5. Coolio10

    Coolio10 Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2006
    It's basically the intel and amd war but between graphics card now.

    Intel sucked and now its better than AMD. Nvidia was always better, now ATI is better.

    Hopefully AMD can be better at both soo.
  6. markymoo

    markymoo Registered Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Intel might of sucked on price in past but there chips were reliable unlike AMD which needed VIA drivers which still didn't make it 100% stable.

    Yes but we haven't seen a strong war in quite a few years. It seems the only answer for Nvidia to compete is to really lower there prices so much, so expect to see some bargains!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  7. Arup

    Arup Guest

    AMD with Nvidia nforce is quite stable, I have run servers off them and they are as stable as any Intel machine.
  8. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    i find it strange that dell on there xps machines now use nforce. i mean a £900 machine with nforce 650I? 650I is more of a budget chipset.
    maybe because alienware use nforce for there gaming machines?
    then again alienware always use the highend nforce chipsets.
    unless nforce chipsets improve im sticking with intel chipsets. atm ive got P35 chipset.
    quite interested in amd/ati chipsets.
  9. SourMilk

    SourMilk Registered Member

    Mar 31, 2006
    Hi lodore,

    I own an XPS 630 and the reason Dell uses an Nvidia chipset is they can SLI Nvidia cards or Crossfire ATI cards for enthusiasts and gamers with the latest Intel CPUs. The 650I is quite versatile without adding unnecessary components that do not enhance gaming. I, too, was looking for an Intel chipset computer but decided on Nvidia's flexibility.

    SourMilk out
  10. markymoo

    markymoo Registered Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    i was going back to the time of pre Conroe and Pentium 4 time when AMD were more equal. i was not referring to the AMD of today.

    agreed but they got to budget somewhere :argh: . you seen those multimedia pc systems in supermarkets for cheap price. they list every component but don't tell you the make of motherboard and PSU. alienware do cost alot more. even if you put 680i or slightly better motherboard in you wont notice a big difference on performance. you could build a really good pc for £900.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  11. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    your right you do have to budget somewhere.
    my pc cost between £700-800
    i hope amd once again beat intel. who ever is top can charge whatever they like for there high end processers. i remember the amd process fx seris used to cost around £600
  12. Arup

    Arup Guest

    Tilll P-IV HT, AMD x2 x64 ruled, its with C2D tables got turned bad on AMD. I have both Phenom and Quad Core, the QC is just plain better.
  13. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Hey sourmilk,
    nvidia chipsets can only have SLI, not crossfire. intel boards have crossfire.
    SLI isnt really needed. its better to get one high end card rather than two lower cards. plus nvidia chipsets arent the most stable. if i was going for dual graphics i would go the intel board with crossfire route. atm i think that SLI is just marketing BS, same with crossfire really. i mean cmon who needs quad graphics? one nvidia 280 provides one teraflop of proformance.

    my old pc had nforce3. sometimes the usb ports dont work and the on board 10/100 lan never worked properly.
    genrally i support the smaller companie which was why last time i brought a amd based computer. but i go for whatever is best for my money at the time. quite interested in amd/ati motherboards.
    when you buy a computer, even if you specify every componant you want.genreally by the time you want for example cpu upgrade you willl need a new motherboard.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2008
  14. SourMilk

    SourMilk Registered Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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