Trojan scanners?

Discussion in 'other anti-trojan software' started by FluxGFX, Jan 23, 2003.

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  1. FluxGFX

    FluxGFX Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2003
    Yet again..... I have TDS-3 ( Trial...... can't buy the retail version yet ) but what would be has good has TDS-3 ? any comments and infos ?

    ( I know TDS-3 is one of it's kind ) but was looking foward to finding something similar has in a freeware ?
  2. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    5 updates a week for free ? :eek:

    I hope you can purchase yourself a full version of TDS-3 soon, there isn't anything free that will keep up with the latest threats. You absolutely need multiple methods of detection with today's trojans, any type of file scanning isn't enough - even if there was a good amount of trojans detected.

    Until then, keep practicing safe computing ! Keep your system updated with the latest patches and make sure if you use IE you have adjusted the security levels to disallow ActiveX controls and active scripting, search these forums im sure there are documents here describing good settings.

    Of course TDS-3 trial will be good for 30 days :)
  3. FluxGFX

    FluxGFX Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2003
    Yes I have considerd TDS-3....... but would be gratefull for any other software until I have the money for TDS-3 ;)
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi FluxGFX,

    Actually, in the Anti-Trojan product space, there just aren't many products that are both free and fully functional (ready for serious use), at least at this point. Unlike other security software, such as firewalls, spyware removers, and even a few anti-virus products, there just aren't any good free anti-trojan products.

    If you check out our Free Tools page, you'll see a wide range of excellent free products, but you'll notice the Anti-Trojan section is pretty limited.
  5. FluxGFX

    FluxGFX Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2003
    I've actually made 2 choices of Trojan Scanners, now the only thing is to determine wich one would be best for someone that is experience.

    Trojan Hunter 3.0 ?
    TDS-3 ?

    Wich one of these 2 should be a must have ?
  6. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Ah, FluxGFX, that is a hard question. ;) Since both are among the best Anti-Trojan products available, people will probably only be able to reply with their own opinions. You'll find a lot of people that favor one or the other. You may well hear more people saying TDS-3 here, since WildersSecurity hosts the Official TDS-3 forum. But, in other places, Trojan Hunter might well get more favorable replies.

    For myself, I'll chicken out and simply say that both are good products. So, try them both out for their evaluation periods and see which you prefer.
  7. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.
    Trojan Hunter or TDS-3?I have both.I purchased TH quite a while back.It was easy to use with virtually no configuration required.TH has a small detection database but is updated very regularly.It's pretty fast scanning also.Support is good from my experience.More recently I trialed TDS-3 and I Had to have it!!This program wasn't hard to configure at all.(I read a post in the TDS forum for configuration tips).There are so many tools/utilities!!As I've gotten better aquainted with TDS-3 it's really not that hard to operate.Support is good also.Updates are available almost daily.As far as upgrades are concerned,TH just upgraded and TDS-3 will upgrade soon.I have been happy with both programs.Take LowWaterMark's advice and download a trial of both and then make your decision on what you want to purchase.After all,in the end the opinion that matters the most is your own personal opinion.Check out the forums for both programs.They both have supportive users.
  8. TrojanHunter or TDS...
    I think you should just test drive both of them..

    In terms of reliability, BOTH their forum support and tech support is outstanding..

    TrojanHunter is nore set and forget, maybe scan once a week...

    TDS cover more ground, whether or not it's needed is not in my expertise..

    For the general populace, TrojanHunter is more easier to use..

    The only thing you may want to check with TDS is resources, conflicts with software, windows...

    It's purely a matter of choice...
  9. FluxGFX

    FluxGFX Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2003
    My choice has been made for a while just wanted to see others opinions on the subject ;)

    I'm going for TDS-3 will purchase it soon. ( If the payment system stops saying that my credit card infos are incorect )
  10. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    If you still have any purchase problems just drop us a mail at - the only problem Clickbank might give you is if your card issuer address is a long way from your billing address - definitely suspicious in the eyes of the biller :)
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