Tool for displaying folder hierarchy

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Mrkvonic, Dec 18, 2005.

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  1. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    Does anyone know of a tool that can show all folders on a drive in a stepped full chart style. If you go to windows explorer, folders have little + expand buttons on the side, so you open them and see subfolders etc.
    But to scroll through these, you can only go vertically.
    Is there a tool you can see a slide like view of folders also horizontally?
  2. bigbuck

    bigbuck Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Qld, Aus

    Attached Files:

  3. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    Nice tool, but not what I was looking for :(
    This is very useful for working with folders, but not for displaying them. Any idea how to create organizational charts with folder trees?
    Thanks, anyway.
    If you do come with other idea, or if anyone else has any, do post please.
  4. I should be paid up front, in cash....

    Start > Run > "cmd"
    C:\> tree D:\ /f /a > D:\new.txt
    tree displays the entire hierarchy of the folder [here it's D drive ].
    /f /a - the /f switch says "tell me all the filenames too, please" while the /a switch makes it easier for you to read especially inside a text file.
    >D:\new.txt - this is the masterstroke, ain't it? the > is the redirection symbol for does... the output of the command TREE will be redirected to whatever follows... [here it's the file new.txt in D:\... it wll be overwritten if it exists... PRN is the default file name under DOS to print straightaway...
    c:\> tree >PRN
  5. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    I'll pay you down back, in cheque.
    The truth is, I was thinking about a GUI software. I'm familiar with tree directories from DOS days, but that's not what I meant.
    More sort of:

    folder a folder b folder c folder d
    subfld aa subfld ar file.txt subfld r subfld k

    This sort of style - visual explorer style with horizontal and vertical scrolls.

    Anyhow, thanks for the help.

    P.S. For some reason, extra spaces are gone, so the hierarchy tree I tried to create isn't there, but I hope you get the idea.
  6. umm... :D no... I actually don't...
    lotsa people these days know Visual Studio .NET
    and it should be fairly easy to make a GUI wrapper for the tree command... i've seen people do this to dir/ping/netstat etc... tonnes of DOS commands :)

    I don't know of any GUI app... but in notepad++, this looks peachy :cool:
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