Tiny Personal Firewall 5

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by main, Aug 4, 2003.

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  1. main

    main Guest

    I Dl'ed this and use it for a while and I like it, but when I install new programs it keeps on bugging me for approval like 20 times, is this normal on Tiny?

    The firewall is nice but the learning curve to use it is going to be something else.

    Anyone else use this?
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I'm not using it yet, but, it does not surprise me that you need to make a lot of authorizations when installing programs. For every separate exe included in an install, you must approve it's running if you've got the sandbox enabled. I can only guess that each request is slightly different and each is related to a different authorization.

    Tiny does have a special support forum for TPF5 (you need to register to use it):

  3. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    Is this the TP5 5 Beta your running? I wasn't aware of a full version release at this time, and if you don't fully understand that its not anywhere near full release since it does have bugs you might want to uninstall it if your not willing to test it for them.

    Anyway, what kind of prompt? If its for a communication you need to setup the rules so they allow your necessary connections, but prevent connections you don't want to be made.

    I can't directly help you other than showing you an example for another firewall, but if you look over this forum you might find some information that can help you. Its not much better there either, but there is some information about it. I know that its much different in the firewall than the old 2x series since they left to make Kerio so any general rule based firewall will all come out the same likely.
    Broadband Reports Kerio - Tiny Support
    Customizing AtGuard & Norton Personal Firewall - View the AtGuard Section

    Well I just previewed, and LWM has just added the link to the official forum. Hopefully you can get you answers with al these links, good luck :cool:
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Yes, TPF5 is a Beta product, however, you do have to read carefully on the pages there to know it. Usually, a Beta is labeled boldly, right from the top of a page, but, the "Tiny Firewall 5.0" page only notes that the software is beta in one place, and that is below the purchasing information. Yes, they are actually selling the beta version of TPF 5.0 to the public.

    I don't want to sound like I'm griping about their actions, but it is a little concerning to me that any company would be selling licenses to beta software. That said, being an owner of a previous version, I was offered a good deal to buy an upgrade to TPF Pro 5.0 and I did buy it on faith that this software will be completed and will be an improvement upon what I am already running (Tiny Trojan Trap 3.0).

    TPF 5.0, like TPF 4.* and TTT 3.0, is a very complex piece of software. It can require a lot of time and has a big learning curve. Also, there appears to not be much in the way of manuals available at this time.
  5. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    I was under the impression the license was for the full version when it was released, but on BBR we also had a person complain to high heaven that sufficent help files were not provided. We had to point out that it was still beta, and the people who test betas should know what they are doing to help further the product. Not take it as a free version of soon to be pay software.

    The learning curve on the firewall is one thing, but the learning curve on the sandboxing is interesting. TTT was a good product, and they should still sell it alone if they stopped.
  6. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well yes, of course it is... I did not mean that they were literally selling licenses to only the beta software release. ;)

    What they are doing is selling, ahead of it being ready for release, licenses to this new product. Again, I'm not complaining - I bought a copy myself. But, it is rare in my experience for a software company to sell licenses to a product that has not finished the development process. What if the beta doesn't work out and they can't release a stable version TPF 5.0? :doubt:

    I do think they could have structured their web pages with a little more emphasis that it was beta software. Some people may have missed that. Reading at their forum and looking at how they announced the product it seems that they played down the beta status a little. Even this first posting by Tiny at DSLR didn't say it was a beta.

    I truly wish they would sell TTT3 still as a standalone product - even with the code frozen at the 3.0.5 version, with no plan to upgrade it. I think it was nearly perfect and it has quite a usable life span ahead of it.
  7. Dan Perez

    Dan Perez Retired Moderator

    May 18, 2003
    Sunny San Diego
    Hi All,

    On the first prompt by TPF 5 when installing a program you should have as an option something relating to "Installation Mode" (I forget the verbage at the moment) select that and you don't get all of the promts. Of course, once you run the newly installed program it will prompt you again but these prompts are more focused to the actual operation of the program and are the rules you will want to have set over the longterm.

    Regarding the haziness of the Beta, I was pretty upset about this myself. I received an email announcing the release of TPF5 and its various features and the deal that for those uses of previous versions (I had a license for TPF4 but took it off soon because of various issues) and as a "return" for all of the problems for previous versions they were offering an upgrade to TPF5 for (I think) $20. I don't have the original email now but I am almost certain there was no mention of it being a Beta. I can't say I am at all impressed with their approach to their customers and given the tone of their offer (as an apology for past mistakes) I find it all very ironic.

    That being said, although the various builds up to about a week ago had MAJOR issues the recent two builds are very good. Still a long ways to go but I am keeping it as my firewall.


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