TI v11 Backup Process Not Working

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by gumboman, Jun 22, 2008.

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  1. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    I have TI v11 and am trying a backup for the first time.

    I have my harddrive partitioned into 3 drives (C,D,E). I want to backup all folders and files on each of those partitions (not a drive image). I just installed TI v11 and tried my first full backup. Processes selected in backup preparation are below;

    Select what you want to backup: My Data
    Source File Selection: Checked C, D, E Drives – Shared Documents
    Exclude Files Matching……: Checked
    Backup Archive Location: F:\True Image (folder)\filename
    Backup Mode: Create a new full backup archive
    Chose Backup Options: Use default options
    Archive Comments: None

    Then on the “Proceed” Box – only the D drive is shown in the “list of operations to be performed”. So, I do not proceed as the other drives are not included. What am I doing wrong? And how do I get all drives included in my backup?

  2. MrMorse

    MrMorse Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2008
    You say: "Source File Selection: Checked C, D, E Drives – Shared Documents"
    and "only the D drive is shown "

    Can you run following test:
    Do all the same as above but check C and E Drives - shared Documents only.
    Do not check the D Drive.

    What does Ti show in the list of operations?
  3. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ok, did that, when it gets to the "Proceed" box, only "C" shows up to be backed up.
  4. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006
    On a quick test, I got the same thing. Only one partition is displayed on the final screen. However, when I did the backup, it included the selected folders from each partition. I could explore the image and both "drives" were there.
  5. MrMorse

    MrMorse Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2008
    ok, THX for the test. It shows that TI process not only D.

    I agree with MudCrab. Do the image and look in it.
  6. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    I will give that a try tomorrow. I wonder if Acronis is aware of this? I would assume it is not by design!

    I sent a message with the issues to their Tech Support, but have not heard anything back yet.

  7. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    IIRC, I think that final screen displays only the final process, which is the final partition. If you had chosen to image the Disk, then all partitions will be images.
  8. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    I follow you all instructions and tried to complete the backup with drives C,D,E checked. When I arrived at the "Proceed" page to start the archiving, I clicked Proceed and received the following error;

    E00640068: Failed to create the scheduled task
    Failed to create the scheduled task - Error #1722 - "The RPC server is unavailable (0xFF0)*"

    What is this error, and why will it not start the Archiving?

  9. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    Do not individually check each partition. You should select the entire disk. You will see a list of partitions, each with a check box to the left, but you should instead check the box which is above the list of partitions to select the entire disk.
  10. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    None of this works, I get the same error.

    I tried selecting Backup "My Computer", which then showed Disk 1 with the 3 partitions and Disk 2 with my external HD. I selected Disk 1, which then showed all 3 partitions checked. Got to the Proceed box and all 3 partitions were listed. Clicked "Proceed" and receive the same error.

    Tried another backup using "My Computer" and selected only one partition on the Disk 1 and Proceed produced the same error.

    Tried another backup using "My Data" and selected only one partition on the Disk 1 and Proceed produced the same error.

    Where do I go from here, except to uninstall the software and send it back! What does it take to get it to backup?

  11. K0LO

    K0LO Registered Member

    Mar 9, 2006
    State College, Pennsylvania
    You may have disabled the Acronis Scheduler 2 Service. Details are here (post #5).
  12. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    That did it! I am now backing up and did a restore of selected files, and worked just fine. Questions:

    I started a backup using "My Computer" Option and selecting the C,D,E drives. It ran for about 15 minutes and then indicated that it had "7" hours remaining. To say the least, I cancelled that backup - 7 hours, for 14GBs of data.

    I then tried again with "My Data" Option and selecting the C,D,E drives. Completed in about 1 hour!

    What is the basic difference between the My Computer & My Data Options. When would I use one over the other?

    I know, I know, I have a lot of questions!

  13. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    As I said, do not individually check each partition. You should select the entire disk. You will see a list of partitions, each with a check box to the left, but you should instead check the box which is above the list of partitions to select the entire disk.

    I can create a 16 GB image (original data are larger than that) to an external USB hard drive in about 13 minutes.

    Since you did not let the backup complete, note that in ATI 11 the progress indicator often displays erroneous estimates.

    My Data images just individual files and folders, based on what you selected. My Computer, if you selecting the entire disk as I recommended, images everything: your data; Windows; system state; all prefs; everything. With a Full image of your Disk on My Computer, you could restore it to a brand new hard drive, even an unformatted drive, and you could then boot from that drive and Windows would look exactly as it did when you imaged it.
  14. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    You say "you created a 16GB backup in 13 minutes"? Would you mind posting the selections that you went through to create this backup - I would like to try it on my system and see what happens. I assume you started with the "My Computer" Option? What, after that?
  15. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    Management Tools > Manage Tasks > Create New Task > Backup > My Computer > Disks and partitions > selected Disk 1 (entire disk, includes all partitions) > from drive tree, open Backup Locations node and select previously-created location > Create full backups > Use default options.

    In Default backup options > Backup performance:
    Backup priority: High
    HDD writing speed: Maximum

    Do not select "Create an image using the sector-by-sector approach" which will, by definition, take much longer.

    Time is highly dependent on the speed of your disks and speed of the connection to the external drive. I'm backing up to an external USB hard drive.
  16. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ok, I will give this a try, I am backing up to an external WD USD harddrive.
  17. gumboman

    gumboman Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ok, I worked through the outline you provided and got to the point of the "Schedule Task Wizard". Undecisive on what option to choose here. Basically, I want to create a Task that I can run when desired to create new full backups, and just changing the date in the Archive's name to create additional backup. Once, at the Schedule Task Wizard, how do I accomplish that?

    I like to backup all my files and folders periodically by backing up C,D,E (same backup - different date in file name).

  18. tuttle

    tuttle Guest

    Um, how about "Next"? It's the only button, other than "Cancel". I gave you the key steps in fairly detailed form. I didn't type out every click, you'll need to use some common sense to fill in those.
    Please read what I wrote. Do not individually check each partition. You should select the entire disk. It will take care of all partitions. You don't need to create separate backups for each partition individually.
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