The Start of SkyNet?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by lotuseclat79, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. lotuseclat79

    lotuseclat79 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Robots test their own world wide web, dubbed RoboEarth.

    -- Tom ;)
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    We already have Skynet since 1969. :p

    Kinda creepy to think mechanical structures to have advanced intelligence. I don't want a robot pointing an AMT Hardballer at me. :argh:

    But in all seriousness, my main concern is about machines replacing even more humans' roles. Lots of people will lose their jobs. That's what happened in the industrial revolution.
  3. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    I don't mind losing my job as long as the robot works under me. :D
  4. dogbite

    dogbite Registered Member

    Dec 13, 2012
  5. SweX

    SweX Registered Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    I saw Terminator 1 & 2 a couple weeks ago :D
    It may do that to begin with ;)
  6. Dave0291

    Dave0291 Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Google concerns me. I personally think they are getting involved in and trying to control too many areas of technology for one corporation. However, there aren't going to be any Terminator scenarios playing out. I don't ever see robotics getting further along than simple logic. Creating a being capable of only logic without any other capabilities of the human mind, is creating our own destruction. Think of what would happen if the Internet suddenly went down and did not come back. Think of how reliant we are on it for everything we do. Now think about the Internet having a physical being, only logic, and living amongst us. Think of them being put in charge of various jobs like nuclear weapons launching, or in hospitals or police forces. There's not a tyrant walking the earth that would go that far. Why? Because having only logic means it is just as easy for it to turn on the tyrant. You can't reason with it, you can't make it feel bad, you can't trick it because it has no agenda nor need nor desire.
  7. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    It won't be as simple as machines vs people. There will be grey areas. Indeed, there already are.

    Anyway, I recommend this reading material:

    True Names (1981) by Vernor Vinge

    Disappearing Through the Skylight (1990) by O. B. Hardison Jr.

    Last Trumpet Project (200:cool: by Kevin MacArdry
  8. Dave0291

    Dave0291 Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Oh I know. The work they are doing on scanning the brain and trying to create it in the lab will lead to enough problems without robots getting involved. I'm expecting 50+ years from now most people will have had chips implanted in them for various reasons, from immigration to behavioral control. Imagine instead of an ankle bracelet, you get an RFID chip implanted when paroled. Regulation to keep things from getting too weird is hard when the very people who want these things are the ones with the power.
  9. Defcon

    Defcon Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    I'd rather be ruled by robots than the current greedy politicians and corporations.

    Robots/computers by definition are logical. If and when they decide they don't need humanity, then so be it - that's the natural order of things and evolution.

    However, it is much more likely that our new 'robot overlords' are not going to be the malicious evil killers from scifi movies but intelligent programs who take decisions without greed or malice.
  10. lotuseclat79

    lotuseclat79 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Hi Defcon,

    You need to be more careful what you wish for! Your choice as you have cast it is between cold, hard, unforgiving logic vs. the shining light of humanity that is HOPE regardless of current greedy politicians and corporations.

    Intelligent programs that make decisions without greed or malice based on logic are as unforgiving as the malicious evil killers from scifi movies.

    Robots/computers deciding they don't need humanity is NOT the natural order of things and evolution.

    You have given NO evidence to support your propositions and you would gladly be ruled by robot overlords?

    My advice is to step away from the computer and enjoy your life, learn more about humanity and the power of hope. Go on, nudge yourself - you might even like what you find.

    -- Tom
  11. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    It's science fiction and fun, but it ends there.
  12. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    The general point of those books that I listed is that the distinction between humans and computers will become increasingly fuzzy. There will of course be some who reject that, but they will rapidly become irrelevant -- too slow, too stupid and too unreliable. We will become immortal, omniscient and omnipotent.

    But I'll be dead by then :(
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