The Package Manager That Disappeared

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by NormanF, Sep 23, 2012.

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  1. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Kubuntu is weird - its package manager uninstalled itself and now on reinstallation I can only run it with sudo privilege only through the console.

    What's funny is when I upgraded to KDE 4.9.1, I didn't remember asking it to commit hara-kiri and to remove a number of applications I had reinstall along with it.

    Me not likes a package manager that mysteriously disappears from the system upon reboot! :doubt:
  2. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    I got the Muon package management suite working again through the GUI.

    The solution was to comment Kdesudo in front of the launch command and this now allows Muon to run with elevated user privilege. It no longer no complains about lacking permission to install a program.

    A very useful way to restore it from a crash. I hope this helps others who get error messages about needing to contact the system administrator with the Muon Software Center with not having permission to install an
    application in the Muon Package Manager and with being unable to install updates through the Muon Update Manager.

    For some reason, internal program sudo from this package manager that worked that way before was mysteriously removed when this uninstalled itself and it now works much better when its made to run like Synaptic when signed in.
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