Task manager 100%

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by dareino, Jan 15, 2006.

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  1. dareino

    dareino Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    I just d/l the lastest trial ver. of NOD32 and I noticed a couple of things...first when I manually run the In-depth Analysis module it hangs while its scanning some of my Restore points. The task manager is pegged at 100% usage. I let it run for about 15 mins but it still had not completed scanning that one Restore point file. I ended up killing the process. I then setup a scan time for midnite. This morning at 0900 I noticed my task manager was pegged at 100% again. I see nod32.exe running at 99%. Why its running now I dont know,,,,and of course its stuck even tho I cannot see where its stuck at.
    I have Win XP SP2 w/1 gig of ram. Sata II 160gb HD. I previoulsy had BitDefender as my AV and its currently disabled, nothing running in the background.
    Any ideas?
  2. alglove

    alglove Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2005
    Houston, Texas, USA
    If I had to guess, I would say that there is some sort of corrupt archive in your System Restore. When NOD32 tries to read it, it gets caught in some sort of infinite loop, trying to read the same archive over and over and over and over... because it is corrupt.

    I remember that one of my coworkers had that problem with a corrupt e-mail he received one time. Same sort of thing. There was a corrupt archive inside the e-mail. Since it was a worthless piece of spam, we just deleted it, and that was that.

    I have also dealt with corrupt System Restore points before, independent of NOD32. They are really a pain, because you think that your restore points are fine until you try to use them. Bam! You get an error message stating that the computer could not be restored. Then you have to start going through all the other restore points, hoping that you will find one that will actually work. Basically, everything after the corrupt one was worthless, at least on the computer I was working on. Ugh.

    If it were up to me, I would just wipe out all the System Restore points and start over: Disable System Restore, reboot, reenable System Restore, reboot, make a manual System Restore point. That is, assuming I am comfortable with the state of my computer, as it stands now.
  3. dareino

    dareino Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    Hey thanks Alglove. After 86 view and no replies, I was about to give up :D
    I followed what you said and the scan flew right thru :D
    thanks again

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