Spyware-Guides Blocklist File & SpywareBlaster

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by arj1, Apr 13, 2003.

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  1. arj1

    arj1 Guest

    Does anyone know how Spyware-Guides Blocklist file http://www.spywareguide.com/blockfile.php compares to SpywareBlaster?
    After reading about SpywareBlaster I found Spyware_Guides Blockfile. Are they pretty much the same or do I need both?..
    Thanks much for any advice..
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Spyware-Guide.com's Spyware Block List File contains 109 ActiveX Control Kill-bits, as of today's download. SpywareBlaster contains more than twice that number. Also, SpywareBlaster has the spyware cookie list that it blocks, plus the extra tools you see when you run it.

    I don't know if Spyware-Guide's registry file contains any ActiveX items that aren't in SpywareBlaster. It may, it may not. It would not hurt you to download their .reg file and execute it. If they are duplicates, it doesn't hurt anything. But, if you stopped using SpywareBlaster and only used the other list, you'd have less protection.

    Here's another thread with a little more info on this:


    I hope this helps,
  3. arj1

    arj1 Guest

    Thanks LowWaterMark, That clears things up.. With all the app. out there for spyware it sometimes gets confusing as to which ones are the best.. SpywareBlaster definitaly seems to be superior..
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