Sorry, Facebook haters: It's not going anywhere

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by guest, May 20, 2012.

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  1. guest

    guest Guest

    You made a statement , that Facebook's privacy controls are still rather complex for some. Who is "some"?
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    No game really. I'm curious about the sites.
  3. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
  4. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Registered Member

    May 11, 2011
  5. guest

    guest Guest

    What kind of tweaking did they suggest? Sorry if I'm getting too specific, but I'm really interested about what could be made to improve the controls.
  6. guest

    guest Guest

  7. guest

    guest Guest

  8. guest

    guest Guest

    That search was too complex, even for Google. Did I miss something?
  9. guest

    guest Guest

    What post? What attack on somebody?

    vasa1's post? It is right there in the 5th page of this thread, #123. How exactly is quoting it an attack on somebody?

    Point me to it?
  10. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    I found the post, and apologize..btw, clicking the link you posted brought up an error, lol. But you did come off as attacking me, but whatever. As to the link Hungry provided, you must have something blocking the action. There's no real reason to make a new thread on the issue of privacy control complexity. That being said, I do think it would be nice to follow his advice and post on the different topic of Facebook/social tracking :)
  11. guest

    guest Guest

    I fixed it, try it again please.

    Attack? I'm not attacking you, lol. How exactly am I attacking you in your opinion?

    I saw the Google results, just nothing about people-complaining-about-the-FB's-privacy-controls-after-actually-using-them.

    Again, am I missing some link?

    I never suggested that.

    Create one as he suggested then:

  12. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Registered Member

    May 11, 2011
  13. guest

    guest Guest

    Lol, in these results they are complaining about things being too private after they messed up the privacy controls.
  14. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Registered Member

    May 11, 2011
    My point is that it is not anyone's job on this site to provide evidence for opinions. We are not formally submitting our papers for comittee approval before publishing. A simple google search will show there's at least some precedent for the post.
  15. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Lol, well just keep hunting. In the meantime, to save the mods the hassle, I cleaned up my own posts. Look, we differ in opinion, that's cool. I've spent time with people who aren't thrilled with the settings, but that's them.
  16. Tomwa

    Tomwa Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2010
    I used to love google as both a company and a service provider. But then they decided to try and link all my accounts together with their garbage new policy now I deleted all buy my main Google account and all sensitive material is handled elsewhere, and DuckDuckGo is my new homepage and search engine (Which im very happy with).

    Facebook account went out the window as well I never used it but to talk to people I couldn't catch online (Hard to catch people in Poland for example on line at the same time as you).
  17. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    ot posts removed
  18. Dermot7

    Dermot7 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Surrey, England.
    Well it does seem to be going somewhere :D
  19. tgell

    tgell Registered Member

    Nov 12, 2004
    Of course the stock price fluctuates but I just read an article where Zuckerberg has lost about $9 billion since the IPO. The stock came back on Friday but on Thursday, he lost $423 million alone.
  20. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    How did he lose, if it's his IPO to begin with. He must have truckload of cash, now.;)
  21. siljaline

    siljaline Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2003
    From Facebook Detectives Can’t Corroborate Claims of Clicky Robots
  22. siljaline

    siljaline Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2003
    Refugee from Facebook questions the social media life.
  23. Technology is a hammer. It can be used to build things, or to wreck things. If you choose to wreck things with it - or to build the wrong things - you can't go blaming the hammer; you can only blame yourself.

    As a society, I think we've used our technologies to some profoundly stupid (and often immoral) ends. This doesn't mean we should divorce ourselves from technology, it means we should learn to use it correctly.

    (Not in the least because it's already too damn late to stop.)

    Edit: to be clear, I'm saying this because most talk of "renegotiating our relationship with technology" has a distinct "make like the Amish" vibe to it. OTOH, I often wish I'd never heard of Facebook...
  24. luciddream

    luciddream Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2007
    I prefer real friends. I don't have nearly 500 of them, but I can actually see/touch them. It's nice.

    Who expected Facebook to "go anywhere", really? It's too big of a cash crop, and too convenient a way to harvest information for certain govt. entities that may want it (for whatever purpose). It isn't going anywhere.

    That and most people prefer to live their lives virtually these days. Very few of us prefer real-life interaction. The last mohicans...
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