Sony VIAO Laptop

Discussion in 'hardware' started by Cutting_Edgetech, May 22, 2012.

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  1. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    Do any other users here have a Sony VIAO Laptop? Mine is a model VPCEB46FX. I have a problem with this Laptop deleting all my post as i'm typing. As i'm typing my entire post will be highlighted, and deleted in less than a second. It usually happens at the worst time like when i'm almost done with the post. It has some hot key or mouse function that is absolutely killing my productivity. I believe its a mouse function. I have disabled everything I know to disable. I literally feel like throwing this piece of crap out the window! Does anyone know what function or hot key could be doing this?
  2. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Could it be a browser refresh hotkey?
  3. axial

    axial Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2007
    I've had that happen, invariably on long, thoughtful, considerate, and if I do say so myself, unusually brilliant forum postings. Absolutely agonizing. On multiple systems. Probably a result of the same wonky finger spazz.

    The ultimate best solution: Lazarus browser add-on, from On Firefox and a beta on Chrome and Safari. Interclue is great too. Both Lazarus and Interclue are extremely stable.
  4. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    IMHO this is just an annoying keyboard thing. I have the same thing happen with me. I would be typing and BAM some how I got my courser up on the words above me and I'm typing in the middle of a sentence there. I had this with my Asus AND Dell.
  5. Hungry Man

    Hungry Man Registered Member

    May 11, 2011
    You're touching the touchpad as you type.
  6. jitte

    jitte Registered Member

    May 2, 2012
    Are you sure it's not your hand lightly grazing the touchpad?

    I've got a Sony Vaio VGN-N320E that would jump back a page or two in forums at the slightest breeze of my hand passing over the touchpad. It wouldn't happen if I was typing in a text editor, just in forums, and was very annoying.

    I put a piece of clear packing tape over it to take some of the sensitivity from it and that fixed it.

    Hungry Man's right, he posted while I was typing.
  7. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    Just a guess here but it sounds like your hitting the insert key by accident and because everything text is highlighted it gets deleted.
  8. Noob

    Noob Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    Could be so many things but one of the most common problems is touching the touch pad as Hungry said.
    It always happens to me. (Now i no longer use the damn touchpad, i just carry a wireless mouse for the laptop)

    One thing i've always wondered is why all laptop manufactures have been placing the touchpad more and more to the left where usually your palm have to rest while typing? o_O o_O
    That's frigging dumb imo. :D
  9. Cutting_Edgetech

    Cutting_Edgetech Registered Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    I believe you guys are right about me touching the mouse pad, but its ridiculous that it would cause it to highlight an entire page and delete it in less than a second. It seems to me that there is some stupid mouse function that is highlighting my text when it detects a certain type of movement on the mouse pad. I had an issue when I first bought the Laptop where the mouse would not allow me to move my finger at an angle or too fast on the mouse pad at all. It would instantly make a U shaped cursor appear on the screen, and the cursor would just stick and not move. I looked at the mouse functions, and saw that it was a hot function enabled by default. The Laptop was almost unusable until I disabled the feature. I thought to myself how stupid it was for someone to put a totally useless / pain in the @&& feature on a mouse pad, and have it enabled by default. I literally could not move my finger on the mouse pad with any speed at all or the cursor would just stick and not move. After the cursor would stick it would make a big U shape highlight pattern. Now its something else. I believe I will start building my own Laptops like I do my Desktops so I don't have to deal with someone else's poor design. Thanks for all the feedback. I'm going to end this post now before it gets auto-deleted as well.
  10. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    Yes your right, my gateway netbook is slightly off center to the left but still plenty of room for palm rest.However some are so far to the left it looks wrong bad design IMO.
  11. Noob

    Noob Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    It's such a common flaw on many laptops nowadays.
    I purchased a 15" just to get the full size keyboard and big enough keys in order to type comfortably just to discover a few weeks later that it is impossible to type properly on it because the Touchpad is so far to the left that basically i end up placing half of my palm on it. (And that's taking into account i don't have huge hands) :thumbd: :rolleyes:
    I had to purchase a wireless mouse and deactivate the Touchpad permanently in order to take full advantage of the full size keyboard. o_O
  12. jitte

    jitte Registered Member

    May 2, 2012
    There was a mouse option in Windows that I always disabled first thing after reformatting that fixed it but can't remember what it was called.

    I now how frustrating it can be though.
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