Snapshots on another partition or disk?

Discussion in 'FirstDefense-ISR Forum' started by rdsu, May 27, 2007.

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  1. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    I know that, but I don't know if I will waste space for that, because maybe I will not need it...

    If I use a good backups scheduler, I will have the same effect but will take more time to recover...

    I have to think, and thanks for all your help ;)
  2. rdsu

    rdsu Registered Member

    Jun 28, 2003
    Like I use. ;)

    I have the first partition only for Windows and Programs...

    The problem is that I will have to have a huge partition for that, wasting space...
  3. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I understand. FDISR requires alot of space, even when you use only 2 snapshots. If you have 30gb you will need 60-70gb in total to store two snapshots and without much elbowroom.
  4. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
  5. EASTER.2010

    EASTER.2010 Guest

    The kEY to saving space but still expanding yourself snalshots if you're restricted in that way is this.

    Let FD-ISR get your first 2 snaps up and running. The make Archives of those. If need be start over again and follow the same pattern of creating archives. This is bare bones only and space limitation confined. If possible store archives to CD/DVD when you can if you can't add another larger hard drive right away. FD-ISR is space consuming but that is a greater benefit then the space itself, since it affords a user to customize each and every sanpshot as though you had several operating systems from which to work with. The ARCHIVES just backup the snapshots and offer a security blanket to keep your snapshots preserved because you can always re-create them again from ARCHIVES.

    Great Outstanding Innovation FD is!
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