Resource hog v. too leaky

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by keysurfer, Jul 26, 2003.

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  1. keysurfer

    keysurfer Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2003
    I've used ZAPro for over 2 years (now on v.4o_O) and have just moved to Kerio 2.1.5 due to my annoyances with ZAPro being resource hungry.

    It's a drastic improvement re. resources but now I find
    where Outpost and Look'n'Stop are the most leak proof.

    How do they compare in the resource hog stakes to ZAPro and Kerio please?
  2. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    Kerio is not designed to protect you from your own stupid mistakes, and problems others build into their sofware. Kerio is a packet filter which allows you to conform rules to basic application filtering. If an applcation uses another application like IE to proxy itself, then it will be seen as IE.

    I run Kerio, and I have not had any problems with virii, trojans, etc... I also don't download illegal, or pirated material either unlike many people who need this stuff to protect their computers from their own stupid mistakes.

    If you need something to protect you from yourself you will want to look at others that offer some sandboxing capabilities in some form. Just because a vendor blocks one leaktest, doesn't mean its not vulnerable to another as they try to shortcuts many ways to blocking them without any real monitoring/prevention.

    Its best not to let them on your system at all, and like I said before, this hasn't been a problem here.
  3. keysurfer

    keysurfer Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2003

    Wow... you got shares in Kerio or somthingo_O?

    Well thx for the vote of confidence in assuming I'm making stupd mistakes. :eek:

    I have never had a trojan detected before (running BOClean), and have sufficient AV protection.

    I also,

    o_O Where did this come from? Surely I could be affected quite innocently by files masquerading as something other than themselves?

    I'm just trying to afford as much protection as possible.

    I didn't ask for a perfect product that is leak proof, I asked for a comparison leak-proofness v. resource consuming.

    However after your warm welcome, I wished I hadn't bothered!!!!!

    Thx for being so constructive - NOT!

    All due respect,
  4. Phant0m

    Phant0m Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2003
    Hey keysurfer

    In-spite of a particular user post I see nothing wrong asking what you had.

    If you Visit you may find answers to some questions you might have…
  5. BlitzenZeus

    BlitzenZeus Security Expert

    Feb 11, 2002
    Oregon, USA
    I'm sorry if you took offense to that, but your trying to compare two products which are quite different even though they both filter traffic.

    ZA Pro has some privacy options, and even some light sandboxing for targeted exploits I have heard. Along with its simple application allow/block filtering, with the option of 'expert rules'.

    Kerio is just a pure packet filters with basic application filtering, and it does check to see if a program has been altered with MD5 checking for some security.

    What you get in ZA with the resources is their huge GUI to help novices, and their other options. While you may not be able to make a configuration in the firewall as complex as Kerio, the other features are also what people are looking for. Consider people run 3-6 programs for security, and if you have all that in one program then it should take up less memory compared to running all the other programs. Also the obvoius answer that ZA Pro costs money...

    Kerio is closer to what a true firewall is, its basic, and gets the job done. However exploits in software not connected to Kerio are seen as problems with Kerio. One thing about Kerio is its very hard to configure compared to ZA as its pure rule based, but does allow for more complex configurations.

    As far as resources go, Kerio is quite lite but doesn't have those extra features that ZA Pro has.
  6. keysurfer

    keysurfer Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2003
    Thanks Phantom,

    Quite informative, I think I'll give L'n'S a test.

  7. Phant0m

    Phant0m Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2003
  8. keysurfer

    keysurfer Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2003
    No problem BlitzenZeus,

    I can see now it's just a misunderstanding.

    I wasn't looking for a comparison between ZAPro and Kerio.

    I understand the core difference between kerio and ZAPro.

    Having found the test results and the likes of Outpost and L'n'S I just wanted to know if they were as resource hungry as ZAPro or lean like Kerio.

  9. casper99

    casper99 Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2002
    Colorado, USA
    Give Outpost a try, I like it a lot. Had used ZA too, but like Outpost way better. Outpost V1 has worked great and uses less resources than ZA.
  10. fryr

    fryr Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2003
    I have reviewed Norton NIS and Sygate Firewall - both were resource hungry - Now using LooknStop - great on resources both CPU and RAM
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