Resize Partition Windows Server 2003 R2 RAID 5

Discussion in 'Paragon Partition Manager Product Line' started by hojolo, Jan 23, 2012.

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  1. hojolo

    hojolo Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2012
    My Windows Server 2003 R2 machine (Dell Poweredge T300) has 12 GB allocated to "C" and 685 GB allocated to "D" which is a Raid 5 array. There is also an unlabeled initial FAT partition with 65MB (Dell) and 7.81 MB of unallocated and unformated space between "C" and "D".

    As you can imagine, my "C" partition has too little space and I am often juggling files to maintain some free space. Right now I am down to about 898 MB free space on "C". My "D" drive, however, has 528 GB of free space in that Raid 5 array.

    I am not a power user and have seen some previous discussion on this topic which didn't seem exactly on point for me, or was somewhat not understandable to me. I am looking for a straight forward answer and set of steps to help, if possible. I am mostly nervous about my RAID 5 configuration.

    Can I increase my "C" partition to about 30GB? If so, how exactly do I do this? Sorry for the "baby steps" request, but I am smart enough to know when I am in over my head. Thanks.

  2. Mech_An

    Mech_An Registered Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    As you have RAIDed config, resize operation should be performed from WinPE Recovery CD after adding appropriate RAID drivers.

    Note (!!!): Do not try to perform resize from Windows! System partition resize requires restart, but RAID drivers are not working in blue screen mode. Also it would be useful to backup all important data before resize.

    What product version do you have? Do you have WinPE Recovery CD available in My Account - My Downloads from Paragon web-site?

    If yes, please find Win7x32 drivers for your RAID controller , unpack them to get *.inf, *.sys, *.cat files and copy all files to USB-flash

    Then: boot from WinPE Recovery CD, run Load\Add drivers wizard from Tools menu and add RAID drivers from USB-flash.
    Then: run program in Full scale launcher and make sure that all partitions on RAID are correctly recognized (not as unformatted or invalid).
    If everything appears OK,
    1) righ-click your Data partition and select Move\Resize.
    Shrink Left border of your Data partition to get the desire amount of unallocated space between system partition and Data partition.
    2) Click Apply to perform changes physically.
    3) Once completed, right-click your system partition and select Move\Resize
    Enlarge right border to cover all unallocated space between two partitions.
    Apply changes physically.

    Then restart your PC and boot Windows.
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