Question regarding ERUNT

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by imperium, May 7, 2012.

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  1. imperium

    imperium Registered Member

    Jul 14, 2006

    I am using Windows 7 64-bit and wanted to know:

    Will ERUNT damage security patches etc, that are downloaded with Windows Updates?

    Let me explain with a fictitious scenario: I create an ERUNT back-up on Monday, on Wednesday, Windows searches, downloads and applies some new patches, then on Friday I restore the original ERUNT back-up registry I made on Monday.

    I assume that when security patches etc are installed via Windows Updates it installs new non-registry files into some folder somewhere, as well as new registry entries as well. Now, these registry entries will obviously be overwritten when I restore the ERUNT back up I made and I am wondering whether this would compromise the patches.

    If an earlier Acronis or Windows Image is used, obviously Windows will search for all the updates that haven't been installed since the Image was made, but in the case of ERUNT because it doesn't touch the non-registry files (some of which tell Windows that they are installed) what I'm concerned about is that Windows will think that they are installed but as they are missing bits from the registry they might be
    flawed security patches.

    Is this how it works, or would Windows know that they need to be re-downloaded?

    Sorry if I have confused anyone!
  2. noone_particular

    noone_particular Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Windows updates make registry changes beyond just recording which updates are installed. Old files get de-registered. New files are registered in their place. ActiveX killbits are included in updates and are stored in the registry. Ideally, you should make new registry backups after your system is updated.
  3. imperium

    imperium Registered Member

    Jul 14, 2006
    Okay, thanks.
  4. ABee

    ABee Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2010
    It's my understanding that ERUNT will replace a current registry hive with the backup when restored, not simply overwrite any entries that have been changed while leaving new ones that didn't exist when the backup was made.

    In such a scenario, any newly installed security patches would no longer exist within the registry and would need to be reinstalled.

    This is why ERUNT is supposed to be superior to using the Windows registry backup utility, which will only merge the backed-up registry with the current one.
    Merge = only overwriting any changed entries that existed when the backup was made. New entries that were added after the Windows registry utility backup was made would still remain after a merge.
  5. imperium

    imperium Registered Member

    Jul 14, 2006
    Thanks for the info, Abee!
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