Programs Aren't Running

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by ionXevo, Sep 23, 2008.

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  1. ionXevo

    ionXevo Registered Member

    Sep 23, 2008
    Well I have a problem where anything that has to go through internet explorer is not working. Also my system restore isn't working. And when i try to use any of these things I get the: System Restore.... has had a problem.... we are sorry for the inconvenience. Any ideas? This started happening about 6 weeks back.
  2. FadeAway

    FadeAway Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2007
    If I reached a point where two major components of Windows (System
    Restore & IE) had become unreliable, I wouldn't bother trying to
    find and fix the problem. I'd just back up all my data and programs
    to somewhere other than the master internal hard drive, and reinstall

    Might take a couple of days sitting in front of the monitor, but
    then I'd be sure. That, of course, assumes a failing hard
    drive had been ruled out as a problem.

    Other members might offer less drastic things to try first, but
    that's what I'd do, and have done many times over the years.

    Once things are fixed, look into a reliable paid or free drive
    imaging program. It will turn a 20 hour system reinstall into
    a ten minute restore operation.
  3. ionXevo

    ionXevo Registered Member

    Sep 23, 2008
    Well... I am not computer savvy and don't know how to do all that :( well, so... How would one go about doing that?
  4. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Can you recall what was done to the PC then: were any programs installed, updates of any kind, etc.?
    Can you give us the PC specs: Make, Model, Operating System, what version of IE, Firewall, Anti-virus and anything else?

    Problems with IE and System Restore are sometimes related to malware invading your system and the more info you can give, the better it will be for someone to help you.
  5. FadeAway

    FadeAway Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2007
    If it's an in-the-box commercial machine from a large
    computer maker, there will be instructions in the Users Manual
    on how to recover the system. Some sort of recovery method will
    have been included with the machine. They probably also
    have a telephone support number you can call. You can back up your
    data on external media, like USB drives, CDs, etc.

    If possible, get a computer-savvy friend or co-worker to sit with you
    as you go through the process. Just be sure you back up your data
    first, because a system reinstall usually wipes the drive clean
    before it begins.

    If you are a complete novice, with no geek friends, might be safer
    to spend some money and have it done for you.

    In any case, wait a bit to see if any other Wilders members
    have better advice than me.
  6. thanatos_theos

    thanatos_theos Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2007
    Hello and welcome to Wilders ionXevo.

    I'm assuming you're using XP. You can try doing the following (you need your Windows CD),

    How to reinstall or repair Internet Explorer in Windows XP
    Running SFC

    When you say, system restore (right-click My Computer icon on desktop>Properties>System Restore Tab) isn't working, is it greyed out or missing?

  7. ionXevo

    ionXevo Registered Member

    Sep 23, 2008
    Well, six weeks ago was during the summer, and that is a little fuzzy, even for me. I don't know much, but I can give you some specs.

    1. Model - Dell Latitude d520 - i might as well trash this comp and get a new one -.-
    2. Operating System - Windows XP
    3. IE 5.5 - i think
    4. Windows Firewall
    5. Norton Anti-Virus
    6. and besides that, the only things on my computer are Microsoft Office 2007, a few video games, and that's about it...
    7. No new programs have been installed in over..... a year, and before that, the only thing I ever installed was Microsoft Office.

    System Restore doesn't start, the window doesn't open. When I tried to run it I get the error box - the standard - blah blah...we are sorry for the inconvenience.

    :( No friends who understand computers well enough. And family is more medicine than computer programing :(
  8. FadeAway

    FadeAway Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2007
    To learn how to repair/reinstall Windows on a DELL, check this DELL support

    Note the 800 number at the top.

    If you end up going that route, reinstalling Windows essentially
    brings you back to a factory-new position at zero cost.
  9. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    In support of FadeAway's comments, if your laptop (circa 2006) came with a 3 year Dell warranty, that 800 number might be your best bet. Here's your Latitude D520 Product Support page in case you might need it in the future.

    I would download and run 2 Free programs, before wiping out Windows, to make sure that both problems are not caused by malware: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | SUPERAntiSpyware. These applications are easy to run as is and will remove a lot of bad stuff, if present in your system.

    Keep in mind that wiping out Windows means: you'll lose all your personal data inside the PC, so either back it all up to a disk(s) or to an external drive before attempting the OS recovery.
  10. FadeAway

    FadeAway Registered Member

    Apr 6, 2007
    I agree.
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