(possible) bug reports v2.0 Beta1

Discussion in 'NOD32 Early v2 Beta' started by Paul Wilders, Dec 24, 2002.

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  1. M. Kabat

    M. Kabat Guest


    I've been testing NOD32 beta for a several weeks on WinXP Pro now without any problems. But yesterday I installed a new nVidia Detonator driver (v41.09) and NOD totally screwed up the TCP/IP protocol. A few necessary services refused to load, followed by socket errors. Uninstall of NOD resolved the problem (I've trided uninstalling the graphics driver first, but that didn't help; even a system restore to a week earlier did not work). Maybe it's just a coincidence, but the problems started after the required reboot from the graphics driver, and everything is fuctioning ok now with the new graphics driver and the first version of NOD. Maybe some can look into this...

  2. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    You realize v41.09 is a beta-version and not very reliable?
  3. Marek

    Marek Guest

    Yes I do, but that counts for NOD also. And sice the driver works without problems with NOD 1, I think maybe the effect is the result between a conflict beteen the two beta programs. But eventually it was NOD which screwed up the system, not the driver, but I really can't figure out how this could have happened. I mean why would NOD screw up TCP/IP when anew graphics driver is installed, which has nothing to do with it? But just like I said, maybe it was a coincidence and NOD would have screwed up the protocols anyway.... I'll test it again when a new WHQL graphics driver is released to see if the error occurs again.

  4. Fedorov999

    Fedorov999 Registered Member

    Sep 13, 2002
    FYI, I've been running 41.09 for a couple of months now and they are 100% stable, only thing I can suggest is you DISABLE Amon prior to installing drivers, many companies/products recommend you do this with resident AV scanners to avoid conflicts.

    Also, invest in either PowerQuest DriveImage OR Acronis TrueImage and *always* take an image of your WinXP partition prior to removing/installing any new drivers.

    It takes me 1min 30secs to restore my WinXP C: partition should I ever break it :)

  5. Marek

    Marek Guest

    AMON was disabled during Detonator installation.

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