PC Magazine EndItAll... Gets by ProcessGuard?

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by nameless, Nov 18, 2004.

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  1. chvid

    chvid Guest

    Further SMH wierdness...

    Further wierdness with SMH not involving EndItAll

    I am running a program called "Spam Pal"...with SMH set, not in learning mode.

    When I exit SpamPal manually the norm way, the SMH dialog comes up...for the message WM_DESTROY I hit Cancel, because I don't want to quit after all.

    Another SMH dialog comes up...for the message WM_NCDESTROY
    I hit Cancel again, because I still don't want it to quit.

    NOW IT QUITS ... I've cancelled twice - and not answered the questions, and my app TERMINATED, when it was supposed to be protected. What gives?
  2. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Hi chvid, It was protected hence the two HID's. If it were malware that tried to perform the shutdown you would certainly have known about it.
    What you are probably seeing is an unstoppable closedown routine. Some programs will behave in this way and there is little that can be done about it.
    It may be possible to correct this by training Secure Meaasge Handling as described in the ProcessGuard help. ie. using the Insert key on x, exit or quit program or any other methods used for closing by the particuler program, this teaches PG the various methods that a program uses to close and may prevent what you are seeing.

    HTH Pilli
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