Oracle Linux now offering free updates and errata

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by tlu, Apr 13, 2012.

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  1. tlu

    tlu Guest

    According to a recent blog entry Oracle now offers free updates and errata for its Red Hat Enterprise Linux clone Oracle Linux. These instructions and this blog entry explain how to do it. There won't be access to ULN but I'm not sure what it offers beyond above updates.

    Has anybody tried Oracle Linux, and how does it compare to CentOs and Scientific Linux?
  2. vasa1

    vasa1 Registered Member

    May 1, 2010
    Not me. Are there any good reasons to do so?
  3. s23

    s23 Registered Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Currently I have one VM with it. So far it's OK, and the 3.0 Unbreakable Kernel (renamed to 2.6.39) can add more hardware compatibilities, which is always good. Until now, I just used it for Oracle Database Installations. I'm scheduling to try some details that i used in SL6, like how it behaves adding more repositories (elrepo, puias, rpmforge...) and transform it in a Full Desktop, with multimedia software and this kind of stuff. Wanna measure the delay for security updates come after release by RHEL. So far, for a very briefly use, seems stable and a good free alternative.
  4. s23

    s23 Registered Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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