Opera 9.5 vs Firefox 3

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Coolio10, Jun 18, 2008.

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  1. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    While he's asking about that, I'd like to know if anyone has tried CustomizeGoogle on the final release of FF3. The extension at the add-on website still refers to the alpha release of FF3.
  2. MrBrian

    MrBrian Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    I haven't used Opera 9.50 yet, but in Opera 9.27 you can uncheck setting 'reuse current tab' to do this.
  3. swami

    swami Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2006
    On my machine only this page open:
    IE7 12 megs
    Opera9.50 18 megs
    Fx3 35 megs
  4. rolarocka

    rolarocka Guest

    I allways open 20 tabs at once in Opera without any problems. With Firefox if i open the same 20 tabs it stutters, freezes for a moment and i have an big cpu hit. Also i think Firefox comes too naked without addons. Now if you install addons it becomes slow. Opera has the most important "addons" under the hood and its allways fast as in day one. Opera also loads webpages a lot faster than firefox and the startup is also faster so why should i use Firefox? I used Firefox for several years until i discovered Opera :)
  5. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    I've been hearing a lot of folks saying this and with FF2 I agree; but have you folks actually tried FF3 yet? I just don't see the old slowness anymore in the new version, seems just as swift as Opera, or is it just my system?

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008
  6. emperordarius

    emperordarius Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Who cares
    I think that it's not true that Opera is faster than firefox and not true that firefox is faster than Opera. I tried myself testing the two, but in some pages firefox was faster and in some Opera was faster. It depends on what page you use though. For example, wilders and youtube opened faster in firefox than in opera, but dailymotion and flickr opened faster in opera than firefox. In both cases, the difference is of a few seconds, though.
  7. rolarocka

    rolarocka Guest

    Try opening for example 50 websites at once with Opera 9.5 and try the same with the same webpages in Firefox 3. Now tell me who finishes loading faster? Also with that amount of tabs open Opera is still fully functional without slowdowns in switching from the first to the last tab.
  8. emperordarius

    emperordarius Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    Who cares
    I couldn't open 50, no, but I opened around 36 pages. The loading time was equal for both, execept that, like I said in the post before, some pages loaded faster in opera and some faster in firefox. Both Opera AND Firefox 3 were fully functional with that amount of tabs open, although opening a new tab felt a bit faster in Opera. That is on broadband, which is fast. But when I go on Dial up (very very slow), Opera just displays blank pages, while Firefox displays the pages after 5-6 minutes. But if we're going to talk about the memory usage, Firefox uses a bit more CPU, while Opera uses more Memory:
    Man can someone explain me how to post a damn image here?
  9. MasterTB

    MasterTB Registered Member

    Jun 19, 2007
    Paran?, Argentina
    Exactly my opinion. That is why I've stuck with Opera since ver. 4 or so.. And I see no reason for going back to anything else.
    Don't get me wrong, FF is a good browser but since I don't use activex unles it is absolutely necesary I believe that FF will never be as secure as Opera can be, simply because Opera does not compromyse Security and all the others do!!

    @Originally Posted by Firebytes: "In Firefox I can drop down my bookmarks list and right click an entry and then click "open in new tab", etc. I can't do that in Opera, unless there is some setting that I can change to do so. I can't do it by default anyway"
    As a matter of fact, in Opera if you open the Bookmarks panel (F4>bookmarks) you can open any and all bookmark in a new tab or in a new background tab withot any tweaking of the settings...
  10. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2004
    Cromwell Country
    I thought active x was IE ?

    anyway what is the problem with 20 tabs ? although I would never do so in practice I have just opened 20 now and can navigate no problem. Perhaps those who find that things stutter have system problems of which they are not aware ?

    As to the idea that Opera is more secure - Using a hardware firewall + firefox
    and no hips, AV, AS etc I have managed to stay malware free - so I'm not sure how I would know that Opera was more secure.

    From a security point of view I wouldn't trade Roboform which works with Firefox for Opera which doesn't.
  11. Arup

    Arup Guest

    wand.dat is an encrypted file so in now way is security compromised.
  12. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    Thanks MrBrian, that did the trick!:thumb: I guess I just never looked at that setting.

    Unfortunately that requires opening the sidebar and then having to close it back. Just extra steps I don't want to have to take, and I don't leave the sidebar open because I don't like it. MrBrians suggestion did what I wanted though. Thanks for the input anyway MasterTB.
  13. rolarocka

    rolarocka Guest

    I open the bookmarks sidebar with a mouse gesture and close it with the same gesture. I think its fast this way. I also toggle between Tabs with the Forward/Back buttons on the mouse :thumb:
  14. ocean water

    ocean water Guest

    Working just fine here. FF3 did not complain about compatibility when I installed.
  15. C.S.J

    C.S.J Massive Poster

    Oct 16, 2006
    this forum is biased!
    opera has, and still never has worked properly for me.

    it has problems opening certain things, or the results its shows, aint what they should be.

    browsing is slow, although the program does open pretty quickly.

    sure, it has features, but always Firefox for me.

    Opera would not even be my 2nd choice, and would definatly be behind IE7, for the reasons that it simply does not work for me.

    at the moment, Safari is still the fastest browser, but firefox 3 is very close now behind it, but firefox has the features and presentation which safari lacks.

    just my opinion, opera simply does not work properly for my surfing and general use.
  16. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    MrBrians tip to uncheck "reuse current tab" in Opera's settings did allow me to open a bookmark in a new tab by just using the "Bookmarks" dropdown; without having to go to the extra steps of opening and closing the sidebar, etc. The downside is that a bookmark entry clicked on after clicking the "Bookmarks" dropdown at the top of the browser now always opens in a new tab. I like that in Firefox I can just click the "Bookmarks" dropdown, right click a bookmark and have it either open in the same tab, open in a new tab, or open in a new window. I don't understand why Opera won't allow this to be done. In Opera's "Bookmarks" drop down right clicking an entry does nothing, its very annoying to me.
  17. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    @ OceanWater: Thank you, I love CustomizeGoogle and couldn't figure out why they seemed slow in development. I'll install them again.

    @C.S.J: I must be crazy or something else is screwy about my system, but every single time I have tried any Opera release, it has worked beautifully for about a week, then suddenly starts becoming slow to load pages, gets unresponsive, and just plain doesn't act right. A new install fixes it, then, sure enough, let some time pass and it acts up again.

    If it would work for more than a week, and, especially if the Opera equivalents of NoScript and AdBlock were just as good, I would have no issue whatsoever using Opera.
  18. MrBrian

    MrBrian Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2008
    That's true. However, I use a mouse gesture to quickly close the tab I'm on.
  19. The_1337

    The_1337 Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    For speed, this is what I think.


    There's lots more things you can customize with firefox, but most are unnecessary or opera already has it.
  20. swami

    swami Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2006
    "In Opera's "Bookmarks" drop down right clicking an entry does nothing, its very annoying to me."
    It opens the bookmark in a new tab for me.
  21. bman412

    bman412 Registered Member

    Mar 4, 2008
  22. DevilFrank

    DevilFrank Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2003
    I´m so happy that I use IE64 only - so I haven´t to decide between Opera or Firefox. :D

  23. Arup

    Arup Guest

  24. farmerlee

    farmerlee Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    I definitely like opera's speed but i've found 9.5 to be a bit buggy when visiting certain sites. Firefox 3 is my preferred choice at the moment, it may be a little slower but i find it more reliable.
  25. tlu

    tlu Guest

    :argh: Nonsense. FF has never used ActiveX and never will.
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