Online Activation in Version 3.47 - Sandboxie

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by Cudni, Aug 3, 2010.

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  1. HAN

    HAN Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    I am a recent convert to Sandboxie and I think it's great. I have bought and paid for 3 copies in the last few months.

    That said, I do not like the idea of a continuing validity check. I don't like it with Windows or any other program. It doesn't matter whether the company is a one man shop or the biggest company in the world. It's very existance automatically assumes I am a thief/cheater and I am not.
  2. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009

    The legitimacy of key will still be applied on the system itself, won't it?
    If yes, let's see how long it will last this Tzuk's approach.

    Also, having to verify for validation more than once? What the heck? One isn't enough?
    Does Tzuk want to take Microsoft's turn? It seems like it.

    Every 90 day people need to connect to the Internet to check for validation, even if not pretending to be on-line for anything else? Come on, let's get real.

    At least, allow phone activation like Microsoft does for Windows and Office.

    I'll let my relatives stick with version 3.46. If I see it fit, I'll even implement other security mechanisms in their systems, which the O.S already provides.
  3. Sully

    Sully Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    It is fascinating that so many with interests in the technical nature dislike this sort of thing when the uninformed masses probably would not bat an eye. XP activation over phone or online was not popular, but once you did it, you were done. Then came the plugin that checked whenever you wanted to download something from M$ website, then more, then more. I am not a criminal, I gladly pay for good products (or the only major alternative in the case of M$) but despise being heckled about whether or not I did so.

    Is it the fact that you are not trusted or the fact that it requires online usage or the fact that it is so frequent. There are some games out now that you have to activate it online to even play. I know the internet is prevalent, but to force it upon one just doesn't sit well with me for some reason.

    I suppose those of us who use Sandboxie and paid for it really have nothing to complain about if it is not noticable or problematic. Likely as not we wont' even know it. But if it ever gives problems for any reason, I am pretty confident that will be the first straw and the last straw for many.

  4. Dundertaker

    Dundertaker Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Land of the Mer Lion
    Very interesting/informative opinions here!


    "The problem is, I shouldn't have to tell a vendor every 3 months I bought their product. My "privacy" isn't being invaded (people really need to quit throwing that word around for every little thing they disagree with)"

    --- Correct! Same sentiments here. Why indeed should we tell them repeatedly? We bought it. Why should we be inconvenienced further...o_O


    "So solution is easy: SBIE needs an auto update within the program, which renews key activation. Nobody will ever notice the 90 day restriction. So hush to SBIE forum and ask Tzuk for this feature."

    --- SASpyPro, nice.:thumb:


    "I would much prefer a key system that is hard-coded and compiled directly for an HWID of some kind. Not as elegant or flexible, but it guarantees that as long as a specific piece of hardware is in one of my systems, Sandboxie could reside there as well. I don't imagine that will happen, but one can dream..."

    --- This should be considered! Great idea:thumb:

    "I suppose those of us who use Sandboxie and paid for it really have nothing to complain about if it is not noticable or problematic. Likely as not we wont' even know it. But if it ever gives problems for any reason, I am pretty confident that will be the first straw and the last straw for many."

    --- I like Sandboxie. Been a user since I first joined wilders and got a whole new perspective of it here rather than the SBIE forums(I learned more here than there!) but if things go wary for me (especially my existing isolated issue with Chromium browsers suddenly not working sandboxed..) then GesWall is just a click

  5. twl845

    twl845 Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    I bought the paid version and was thankful I wouldn't see the pop up any more. Now I have to be sure to access SBie around the 90 day mark so my reg will stay current? I feel an uninstall coming on. :p
  6. subset

    subset Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2007
    Nope, there will be an option "In the future, activate the license without asking".

    So you only have to upgrade your old Registration Key to a new Product Key.
    That happens once from within the program and that's it.

  7. twl845

    twl845 Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    OK great. Thanks! :)
  8. Osaban

    Osaban Registered Member

    Apr 11, 2005
    Milan and Seoul
    IMO, this is the typical storm in a teacup. If Tzuk manages his licensing properly, there 's a chance he might survive financially and supply necessary upgrades for many years to come. There's a long list of single developers and companies who delivered a life license that lasted a scant 3 years, to disappear into a kind of limbo.
  9. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Well I certainly hope he survives financially, though the lifetime license scheme does worry me in that regard. I have no clue how many paid users are out there, but I'd imagine we're not talking hundreds of thousands or more of them. I'd be in favor him going to a yearly scheme. That, however, is not related to the thread. Even though we now know that the license check can be done silently in the background, it does not take away the fact that it is still "checking on users" every 90 days to make sure nothing funny is going on.

    Whether it makes me do the check or does so itself, I still am of the opinion it should not be done in the manner that it will be.
  10. PJC

    PJC Very Frequent Poster

    Feb 17, 2010
    Activation every once in a while (i.e. 90 days)? :thumbd:
    What about the Free version of Sandboxie?

    GeSWall, here, I come...:D
  11. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    The free version won't need to check on anything, so no worries there.
  12. PJC

    PJC Very Frequent Poster

    Feb 17, 2010
    I hope Sandboxie will continue to offer a Free version,
    because No one knows what Tomorrow brings...:doubt:
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  13. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    I'm sure he will if it is financially feasible. He must be doing something right if this lifetime license thing has kept him going for 6 years (then again I have doubts Sandboxie is his only source of income). I don't think this new activation thing is going to turn so many people off of Sandboxie that it seriously hurts him. Why? I have VERY high doubts enough of its users even know how to use it properly, let alone understand the ins and outs of activation schemes and why some of us are against this particular one.
  14. twl845

    twl845 Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    When is this V3.47 going to materialize? The site still shows V3.46.
  15. Carbonyl

    Carbonyl Registered Member

    May 19, 2009
    The beta version for 3.47.03 is available now. See Tzuk's forum for more details.

    Final release is still on 3.46, but most of the activation debate surrounds the beta version.
  16. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    I'm a free version user (sandboxie is used only to sandbox IE).

    This is not an effective way to fight piracy. Any activation type that supports offline activation can and will be bypassed.

    Personally I believe that the only effective antipiracy measure is to offer a demo (limited time-bombed) version, that is offered to everyone, and a retail version offered only to clients, after they use their credentials to login on the site. Combined with an one time online or offline activation becomes almost piracy bulletproof.

    No one can crack a program that misses a part of the code (even when is cracked, it never has the complete functionality of the retail) and no one can create a keygen for a demo that does not need a key.

    The multiple reactivations that tzuk will introduce, seem to me not only a way to fight keygens but also an extreme measure to monitor/fight overabuse of legit keys.

    Paying/purchasing something and being treated like a potential thief (having to prove that you are a legit owner/customer over and over and over again) is a recent trend seen only in the software market.
    And to me, it seems very strange that there are people that willingly accept it. :eek:

    my 2 cents,
  17. stapp

    stapp Global Moderator

    Jan 12, 2006
  18. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Wait a minute, is this page right? Four dollars less if you pay per year? Granted, I may not be reading as much as I should, and it may sound greedy, but how exactly is that an acceptable alternative? I read in the forum where he decided to do the yearly pay option, but he better come down a lot more than that if he wants that to even begin to be a feasible option for people. So now he's not only seemingly thinking we're idiots, but he still isn't changing the every 90 day re-activation either. I'm not normally this critical of Sandboxie or Tzuk, but this is a bit stupid.
  19. TerryWood

    TerryWood Registered Member

    Jan 14, 2006
    Hi Tzuk

    I have supported every move you have made so far in respect of online registration - despite the furore. Simply because you are entitled to do what you want, being the author of your software. Despite the fact that some might say it is long overdue.

    The annual license price is stupid, it is likely to inflame the debate and to invite people to assume that your sole motivation is provocation. Again I say that you are perfectly entitled to do what you want because you are the author. However, ignore public sentiment , fickle as it maybe, at your peril.

    You have moved from a position of rigor mortis (do nothing) to one of inflamation.

    Me thinks you need a lesson in marketing or a reduction in testosterone.


    ps this should be a write up in an MA business studies university course on how NOT to..................


    Sorry Tzuk - but you appear to be letting people get to you.
  20. stapp

    stapp Global Moderator

    Jan 12, 2006
    I don't know if you read the bottom 2 posts in the thread I linked to dw426 but I wonder if that is what may have triggered this.

    Terry you may be right, he seems to have got a bit hot under the collar now.
  21. TerryWood

    TerryWood Registered Member

    Jan 14, 2006
    Hi Stapp

    I did read them ( the bottom two posts).

    I am astonished at tzuk. He says he wants to promote discussion, yet his body language/actions are of a man who really will not accept genuinely held comment. I have no problem with an annual license. Indeed i think its good idea, it gives people choice, but a three dollar reduction is ridiculous on a lifetime price of 29$.

    Its seems to me to be a a bit of "up yours".

    O for a bit more competition in this arena, there would then be less histrionics.

  22. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    I don't know what is going through the mans mind. I've said it before, and will again, I am NOT against piracy protection nor am I against a yearly fee (it would benefit him a hell of a lot more to drop the lifetime subscription, in my view, and still allow customers a great product.). But, he knows the 90 day check upset people, and, to answer them, he tosses a yearly subscription at the wall to see if it would stick and shut people up. Well, it's not sticking here, and it seems to just be riling people up more. Come on, Tzuk, you're brighter than this, why would anyone see a point in paying 3-4 dollars less per year, when they can just pay the extra cash and get it for a lifetime? Economics 101 here. If it were 10 dollars less, SOME might bite, though still it wouldn't make financial sense on either side.

    I seriously think it's time to step back and reassess things, but, it isn't my product and I'm not the one having to pay bills with it.
  23. Dundertaker

    Dundertaker Registered Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Land of the Mer Lion
    Only $4 less for annual scheme as an alternative?!!!:thumbd: ...please.....we are not stupid:mad:

    AV's and firewall makers who offer annual/3 year licenses have added offering "lifetime license" discounts so those who use their products will stay with them and not transfer to others who beat them via better marketing strategies(e.g. cheaper effective alternatives, freewares..bundles..etc.)

    SBIE's strategy might (IMHO) drive users to just use the freeware version or use other sandboxing/virtualizing methods/techniques...

    Wrong approach to appease loyal users....:thumbd:
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  24. Woody777

    Woody777 Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2006
    A few days after this new registration system is implemented there will be cracks out in the malware world which will indeed contain malware. The only people influenced poorly will be the people who purchased the lifetime license. The freeware version is indeed nice for a while , at least until it becomes NAGWARE after a period of time. My own thoughts are that the freeware version promotes the use of keygenerators when it starts to nag the patrons for payment. With the poor record of ONE MAN OPERATIONS in these forums I would be very cautous about purchasing a so called Lifetime license.
  25. Carbonyl

    Carbonyl Registered Member

    May 19, 2009
    Has anyone used Wireshark with the beta version of Sandboxie during the activation process?

    Last time we had a kerfluffle over Sandboxie supposedly doing this, someone used Wireshark to prove that there was no transmission of data. If someone can do the same with the beta that does online activation, hopefully it coul dbe proved that only the registration info is being sent? Would that quiet things down, or are people mostly upset over the fact that recurrent activation occurs, period, end of story?

    I'd do it myself, but lack the expertise and knowhow.
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