OneUP -- double click to move up a level in Explorer

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Sully, Jul 9, 2010.

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  1. Sully

    Sully Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    I need some beta testers for this little tool.

    OneUP sets a low level mouse hook, waiting for double clicks in the ListView control of Windows Explorer. If it finds a double click there, and there is no object selected, it sends the command to move up a directory level.

    If an object is selected, it does nothing. There is a small tray menu that lets you adjust the double click speed. The return value in this case cannot detect a DoubleClick from explorer, so it monitors how fast the clicks happen with a timer. Not as elegant, but at least you can adjust the time easy enough.

    There is a version for Win 7 and for XP. I have not thoroughly checked them on all platforms, thus the need for some beta testers ;)

    Like to hear your comments on it, especially any problems it might pose. One little issue, sometimes the speed at which you click and the speed at which it monitors will cause it to go up more than one level, or down and then back up. I cannot figure out how to catch the column that is selected in the listview control. If I could I would limit it to only functioning in any column but the name column. But as it sits, in Win 7 anyway, it will work from any space in the listview unless an item is selected on the clicks.

    Located here

  2. Sully

    Sully Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    After some more testing, it works OK. However, it seems to use too many resources if you are very deep in a directory structure and use it to go up a lot. Seems to need some optimization, but it does make it much better in explorer when navigating.

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