Nod32 trial corrupt?

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by divedog, Jan 6, 2006.

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  1. divedog

    divedog Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    Seabeck WA
    I have been using nod for several years and it’s my favorite AV. I am having a new PC built at the local shop. I stopped in today after work and the new build was almost done. Athalon 64 duel core running XP home. I wanted to put nod on it so I downloaded the 30-day trial to use until I can purchase another license. It downloaded fine but when I tried to extract it several of the files where corrupt. I tried several sites that have the trial version and after half a dozen tries finally had it installed. When I tried to update it the update would start then hit 78% and then say it was corrupted. After trying half a dozen servers I finally had the update. Since it is a new build I then tried to download pcmark04 for a benchmark test. Like Nod, it downloaded fine but when I tried to install it I received an error that said catastrophic failure, it looked to me to be another corrupt download. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. divedog

    divedog Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    Seabeck WA
    After doing some more web research, it looks like it could be caused by the nvidia network drivers, nvidia firewall, or bad ram. Today I will uninstall the nvidia drivers and run mem test. Wish me luck.
  3. Brian N

    Brian N Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    I had this issue once, many many years ago..
    I guess I just formated the drive, but since this is a new computer your dealing with, that might not work.

    Question is though, did the company that assembled your pc mess with the OS?
    You can easily spot this if there is a company logo in the system properties window or in IE.
    If that's the case, I strongly suggest you format and install a fresh copy of XP.
  4. divedog

    divedog Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2004
    Seabeck WA
    Turned out it was the nvidia motherboard drivers. The nforce4 amd 6.66 drivers. Upgraded to 6.70 and all is fine.
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