NOD32 Install File Linked to UserName & Password?

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by rnfolsom, Jan 27, 2006.

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  1. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California
    I am running NOD32 on two computers, and consequently I have two standard licenses, each with its own username and password.

    The two licenses both are for Win2k Sp4 computers, and both are version 2.5.25. The licenses both were acquired in late 2005, a tad more than five weeks apart.

    For backup purposes, I have retained a separate downloaded installation file (on NOD's website, ndntenst.exe) for each license, in fear that the username and password were somehow encoded into the file, so that if I retained only one installation file, it could be installed on only one of the two computers and not the other one.

    But do I really need two backup installation files? Or would the same file install with either of the two username/password combinations, so that I need retain only one backup installation file?

    And sometime in February, when I add a third Win2k Sp4 computer to my collection (admittedly, I'm running amuck here), and get a third NOD32 license (which of course will have its own username/password combination), can I retain only the latest ndntenst.exe file, knowing that it would work with all three username/password combinations?

    Thanks for any clarification of this.

    Roger Folsom
  2. Capp

    Capp Registered Member

    Oct 16, 2004
    United States
    Hey Roger,
    No, you don't have to have seperate installation executables for each install. When you purchase your license (whether through reseller or online), and click to download, it asks for your credentials to verify your purchase. If you enter it correctly, it will begin the download. You can use this same file to install your licenses. You then enter you credentials again to verify that you have the license to receive the updates.

    To reiterate, you can use the same file (ndntenst.exe) for all your installations. Just make sure you have a username and password for each install or you won't be able to run any updates, and that is piracy! :)

    Hope that helps
  3. rnfolsom

    rnfolsom Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Monterey, California

    You have answered my question. Thank you.

    Even better, you have answered my question by giving me the answer that I hoped to get! For that, thank you very much.

    Cordially, Roger Folsom
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