no way for gunbound and PG at the same time?

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by yaoii, Nov 11, 2005.

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  1. yaoii

    yaoii Guest

    i have read about the previous posts on not being able to use PG while playing gunbound. in fact, i discovered PG because of the game. and i still use it today even though i dont play the game often now. however the game doesnt work at all with PG active. just wondering if there are any ways to make PG work while the game is running. and yes, banning PG didnt stop the hackings at all. in fact, it is worse now. PG isnt even used now for hacking. other ways were found, PG was just a simple and convenient way to enable hacking. now that its been taken away, things still remain the same. i still play the game for enjoyment and because i have friends playing it. and yes, gunbound protection is so weak .. my accounts have been hacked and stolen twice and my email changed. all these happened regardless of the fact that my personal data is needed for those changes to occur, data which i myself dont possess as i used fake data that i dont even remember now.

    anyway just to round things up, so i assume there is no way to play gunbound with PG running.
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