My Canadian Pharmacy - An official report

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by spamislame, Nov 20, 2006.

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  1. spamislame

    spamislame Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2006
    I have posted this elsewhere but thought several of you might find it interesting. I figure since this is a security forum after all: you might not even be aware of the technical threat of this particular operation, especially if you run *nix.

    I wrote this back around July or August of that year, and then made an additional update around September or so.

    If you've ever gotten these spam messages - and I am willing to wager that you have - this explains what the websites do, and how they operate technically.

    This report has been provided to members of law enforcement around the world including Interpol and the FBI's IC3 group, as well as several major pharmaceutical authorities and ISP's. Several media outlets have also received it including CNET, Wired and the New York Times. None have chosen to report on it.

    My Canadian drugstore is an internationally illegal drugstore spamming operation which is believe to act as a front for credit card theft.

    Thanx for reading.

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