MOZILLA Email client

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by bubs, Aug 13, 2002.

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  1. bubs

    bubs Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002
    Suffolk, England
    I'm trying the browser at the moment, and am impressed (apart from the fact that my beloved TTT's cache and cookie manager features don't work with it! - no wisecracks about IE6 thankyou!). Before I give the email client a go, has anybody got any thoughts?
  2. Mike_Healan

    Mike_Healan Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2002
    TTT o_O

    I've never downloaded the email client. I've heard good and bad things about it. More good than bad if that's any help.
  3. bubs

    bubs Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002
    Suffolk, England
    TTT - Tiny Trojan Trap - I seem to be the Wilders resident Tiny bore :D
  4. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    :)Hi Bubs;

    Mozilla is a rather pleasant web browser, I must admit. Nice and precise configuration possibilities. Well secured too.

    Among other things, very nice possibilities as regards images/cookie-management on a site-by-site basis (Opera does NOT provide this possibility - additional software is necessary to help Opera do it. E.g. AtGuard or Cookie Pal...).

    Doesn't block referrers, though (Opera DOES provide this possibility). Using Mozilla, you have to solve that problem with additional software, e.g. WebWasher or Proxomitron...

    Since we're talking about browsers, Mozilla seems to me more ressource-consuming than and not as quick as Opera. Mozilla definitely one of my favorites anyway.

    Never tried to use the e-mail client - I can't be of any help about it. I like to separate browsers and mail-clients as much as possible for security reasons.

    Rgds, Crockett :cool:
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