Microsoft Security Essentials Compatibility

Discussion in 'Prevx Releases' started by STV0726, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. STV0726

    STV0726 Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    I am now a frequent participant at the Answer forums for Microsoft Security Essentials, since the beta program has began. I frequently see the MVPs warning people not to run MSE alongside other real-time products, which is true 99% of the time, but not in the case of Prevx/Webroot...

    ...I made a post just stating that SecureAnywhere was specifically designed to be run alongside a traditional anti-malware application. After all, I have ran Prevx 3.0 and now SecureAnywhere alongside Microsoft Security Essentials for years now, on MAXIMUM self-protection, and I have had NO issues.

    As expected, a community star responded and basically told me I was irresponsible for posting that because two real-time protections is always a no-no. They even go as far to say that one should not even install a new real-time product without fully cleaning out an old one first. I suppose that is not bad advice for someone who is asking if they can run Avast with MSE, but they seem to not understand that Prevx/Webroot (and I think MBAM Pro) is a different ball game.

    I am correct in understanding that WSA is still specifically designed to be compatible with another real-time product for defense in depth, right? :-/
  2. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    You are right ask them to come over here and ask Questions and we would be happy to anwser there Questions or ask them to contact Webroot about WSA! But it would be best for Joe to answer as he it the Lead Developer for the WSA team!

  3. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    You are exactly correct - you can run WSA alongside MSE/other AVs. We devote a significant amount of QA effort to ensure that the products remain compatible. If you do experience any problems, please let us know, but we are currently not seeing any users with problems between them.

  4. STV0726

    STV0726 Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    So just for my own understanding, and especially since the default with WSA is now maximum rather than medium...

    What COULD a potential conflict between Microsoft Security Essentials (or any traditional AV) and Webroot look like if I have the self-protection set to maximum?

    Would it result in my system being compromised? I doubt it.

    I could set it down to medium, but I am not sure I should?
  5. PrevxHelp

    PrevxHelp Former Prevx Moderator

    Sep 14, 2008
    No, it wouldn't result in any security issues. The most I've seen recently was another AV's HIPS flagging WSA as malicious because of its self protection (it wasn't able to get into WSA's process because of its self protection). Because of how we've designed it, you shouldn't run into any problems with multiple AVs installed, unless they have a secondary heuristic like that in place.
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