Mailwasher verses Others ?

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by Phazor, Feb 24, 2003.

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  1. Phazor

    Phazor Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2002
    Taking the cost factor out of the picture. Is there any benefit of using Mailwasher (external program) to sort out spam. Verses going with a program (internal-whether free or not) that works along with your email client.
    Do these Internal programs check it at the server level like mailwasher and allow you to accept or delete or do they download the mail to your mail client first and then do the deleting after the fact?
    Ive tried mailwasher and like it, but its another couple of steps, and was wondering how the others work in compairson.
    Have not tried any of the programs where they work in conjuction with your email client for fear that i will screw something up, so thus the questions.
    And what about going with just a different email client that already has a mailwasher type system to it. Like PocoMail and Becky.
    Is there anybody using mailwasher with either of these 2 programs even though they have junkmail filtering capibilites
  2. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Phazor, Mail Washer, works, as you say, on the email server. I also use Spampal with the Bayesian filter plugin which is not as straightforward to set up as MW.
    The only time Spampal gets to do any work is when I do a send /receive and a mail comes in at the same time, missing MW.
    I have also used Cloudmarks Spamnet which is simpler to set up & also works well. None of the spam utilities that I have tried so far work on the server apart from MW.
    As you say. some folks just use an email client that allows them to look at their mail on the server before downloading. Pegasus & Calypso are two that I know of but there are many to choose from.
    Personally I think a few extra clicks using MW is better than receiving all the cr-ubbish! :D
  3. Phazor

    Phazor Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2002
    Ok, couple more questions..

    You know anything about this
    Spam file of thousands to work with mailwasher

    and whats the difference between these two
    mailwasher pro

    Is one just a rip off of the other?
  4. puff-m-d

    puff-m-d Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    North Carolina, USA
    See this thread over at the official Mailwasher Forum at XomputerCops

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