Learning Mode?

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by worldcitizen, Sep 30, 2004.

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  1. worldcitizen

    worldcitizen Registered Member

    May 15, 2003
    In the new beta released today do I have to turn the learning mode off manually because I installed PG and ran a few applications then rebooted and learning mode was still tickedo_O??

  2. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Worldcitizen, It is mean't to do that, sorry not documented yet.
    The reason is this: When you first reboot Process Guard sets up the basic windows system programs and any resident programs. You can then set your other security programs and the General tabs. When you reboot again learning mode should catch any allows necessary thus taking into account the changed general settings etc., learning mode is then switched off.
    So two reboots by default but, you can, of course, switch learning mode off as soon as you want.

    HTH Pilli
  3. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quick guide to getting set up fast

    Choose general options, reboot
    Run programs to PROTECT (added automatically, ALLOWs also added)
    Reboot again, learning mode is now off

    Run programs you need to ALLOW TO EXECUTE and allow them

    Create a system backup now would be a good idea :)
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