Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by controler, Nov 16, 2002.

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  1. controler

    controler Guest

    Well I just tried KAV's AV Lite

    And I must admit, I have never seen such a system crash in my life since I tried Mc Afee. And to top it off the crash was on my XP machine.

    So far both Kav's firewall and their AV Lite really need some work..
    be very careful installing KAV Lite on a Windows XP box ;)
  2. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Are you talking about 4.5 beta version?

  3. controler

    controler Guest

    Yes Tech

    It is found @


    I actualy had to do a system restore from safe mode to clear it.
  4. Robert

    Robert Guest

    I had heaps of hassles with my lite that i purchased 3 months back for my win 95 . Its like having an anchor . I had a bit of communication with them and they suggested a few things , then one day they sent a attachment to run to get rid of all the kaspersky bits an peices floating around my system from possibly a bad download or my incorrect setup or what ever . this did not help , then a few weeks later a new key arrived from mr de Mont de rique from there tech lab , by this time i had wiped off every trace of the download anyways and had been trialing Nod which was really easy to get up an running for a total newbie , I may add i only got the kasp lite because it was meant to be easy an simple and of course very thorough , The email read thus "This situation occurs if the system date at your PC is shifted or it was shifted in the past (sometimes Kaspersky Anti-Virus treats this as an attempt to prolong the licence period). Please close Kaspersky Anti-Virus if you need to change system date of your computer." So i can only assume its saying i was trying to p[rolong my liscence pariod . I have only learnt to turn the darn thing on recently so such is way out of my skills , and i have only had the liscence for around 7 weeks or so at that time . So i was not a happy camper either . However i sent letter saying how i think its a waste of time lol and then redownloaded it and tried the new key , and low and behold it works perfectly now lol. So im still using it out of determination to get my $20 worth out of it , even though it takes 25 mins to scan 5000 files . You may want to ask for the utility that removes all remnants of Kav in your system just in case you run any more of there downloads , kind regards , Robert
  5. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Do you have installed any other anti virus or other security applications installed? If so please check if you have these totally disabled including the services.

    The main problem why people having problems with KAV is that if there are any other services from av programs running than a crash is most likely.

    And BTW beta means that it is unfinished software and should only be run in special test enviorments. Therefore crashes are normal and IMHO there is no reason to blame the software company for it.

  6. controler

    controler Guest


    I hear you on the other AV software running.

    I also suggest you mention your BETA message in other threads here
    at Wilders maybe to some of the MODS?
    It appears Beta software is being released as RELEASED VERSIONS

    I am going to try downloading it again and do a few tweaks to see what is up. The programs look too good to give up on.. ;)
    I must admit, I tried the firewall on a fresh Win ME install without any AV running at all... I have not tried the Firewall on my XP box yet>>>
    Thae actuasl file comes FTP://

  7. wizard

    wizard Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Europe - Germany - Duesseldorf
    Yes today there is more and more missuse of the word BETA. For many people now BETA means released but if you refer back to any IT lectures you will find there the definition I use myself for BETA software: it is unfinished (or actually untested) software that only shoul be used in special test enviorments.

    I personally do not use any kind of BETA security software for my own protection -I find it too dangerous.

  8. controler

    controler Guest

    But Wizard somebody has to test the stuff and so it might as well be me. I come from Viking decent anyway which means I must push forward :D no no I don't mean rape and pilliage either LOL
    BETA can mean partialy tested but still with bugs.
    We both know though in this day and age of cut throat software makers, if they waited till it was completly bug free, somebody else would beat them to it. Also.....>>>>>
    I really believe if an AV, AT, or any other security software can prevent
    a big global infection, it should be made public before it's time..
    Screw the bugs LOL
  9. controler

    controler Guest

    Detecting SBSYS.dll as a virus in high security mode.

    This is on my Windows ME machine.
  10. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Please answer the questions regarding SBSYS.DLL in this thread: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=4994

    Thnx in advance,

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