Is Wilders going member only

Discussion in 'Forum Related Discussions' started by aquestion, Oct 11, 2005.

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  1. aquestion

    aquestion Guest

    Is Wilders going memeber only?

    I recently heard from someone that Wilders will soon be a members only forum and no more guest posting will be allowed. Is there any truth to this?

    Even though i'm a guest myself, i don't think this would be a bad idea because i see so many guests cauing trouble around here and i wonder why Wilders had not gone member only posting by now.

    What might be a good compromise would be to make most of the forum members only, and just have one small section for guests to post in. I think this would be the fairest way to do things.

    Or perhaps the other way around, offer a "members only" area for those who take the time to sign up, but don't want to be bothered by guests. This seems to also be a decent option.

    Some other forums allow members to click an option in their control panel, and that will automatically ignore all guest posters. I wonder if this is an option the mods may be considering? Perhaps not a bad idea for those complaining about rude guest posters.

    Anyway any comments on whether Wilders will be going member only? All member comments and votes in favor of or against this would be interesting to hear about. Thanks for your time.

    NICK ADSL UK Administrator

    May 13, 2003
    Hi aquestion :)
    There is no truth whatsoever in that wilders will not allow guests postings in the future. We take great pride here in our guests and there participation in this forum and long may that continue!

    Best regards
  3. Re: Is Wilders going memeber only?

    If we are going to ban guest postings prefer a complete ban, rather than pussyfooting around.

    I suppose you could even go one step further and prevent even reading except by members, but I don't support this extreme measure.
  4. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Re: Is Wilders going memeber only?

    Unfortunately for some that is easier said than done.
  5. Re: Is Wilders going memeber only?

    What's so difficult? Just disallow guest postings.
  6. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Re: Is Wilders going memeber only?

    I believe you misunderstood what I was getting at but as Nick said Guest posting is allowed.
  7. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    Originally Posted by deviladvocate:
    If we are going to ban guest postings prefer a complete ban, rather than pussyfooting around.

    I feel that the Admins and Mods are Great in Here!! IMHO I see no need to limit Guest Posting!!

    And when there are any problems they deal with them with Great Professional Courtesy!!

  8. controler

    controler Guest

    Re: Beta-testing of the DefenseWall Host Intrusion Prevention System.

    I don't know bout you but I am going to stop replying to unregisterd guests.

    I think Wilders should stop the ability of unregistered guests to post. Only allow them to view;)

  9. Re: Beta-testing of the DefenseWall Host Intrusion Prevention System.

    Very funny, controler.
  10. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Re: Beta-testing of the DefenseWall Host Intrusion Prevention System.

    I have no way of knowing if Controller was joking or not, but on some forums that is in fact the way it is. I am sort of in favor of that myself. Why not register if you are going to be involved?
  11. Re: Beta-testing of the DefenseWall Host Intrusion Prevention System.

    I know there are forums that are like that.

    What I mean is he said he wouldn't respond to guests, but if you look at the time stamps of his replies in another thread, you can see he broke this new rule, only minutes after posting this one.
  12. WSFuser

    WSFuser Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2004
    Re: Beta-testing of the DefenseWall Host Intrusion Prevention System.

    i like the fact that you can post as a guest. sometimes i just have one lil thing to post, i dont want to create an account, and bugmenot wont always have a login for forum xyz.
  13. Notok

    Notok Registered Member

    May 28, 2004
    Portland, OR (USA)
    Re: Beta-testing of the DefenseWall Host Intrusion Prevention System.

    I go back and forth on this, sometimes I think there should be some select discussion forums that are for members only, although readable by guests.
  14. Carver

    Carver Guest

    Re: Beta-testing of the DefenseWall Host Intrusion Prevention System.

    Why post if you have nothing relevant to say, even if you are registered :D. I EXPECT to be required to obey the TOS even if I am a "Guest". I use the name "Carver", my full name is George W Carver. I am registered with my ISP as haveing said user name, I receive mail with that name. If I violate the TOS I expect to be warned or banned just as any one else. I don't think I am anonymous as I know my IP is loged
  15. No point discussing all this. The powers that be have already ruled.
  16. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    Not all but most Guest postings are a real request for assistance or they might have a solution to a problem someone here is having. All in all we have had a very good result allowing guest posting. We get some very knowledgable people coming through here that might answer a post and not want to take the time to register. Unless there is a drastic change I see no need to go members only.

  17. controler

    controler Guest

    What I mean is he said he wouldn't respond to guests, but if you look at the time stamps of his replies in another thread, you can see he broke this new rule, only minutes after posting this one.
    Yes I did didn't I ?

    I would like to know the gain of not requiring people to register?

    Is there some reason for not posting other then revealing the poster is most likely registurd also?

    Anybody can come in here on a proxy and post. Heck, I come in here after drinking a bottle of scotch and post all kinds a wierd stuff but don't try to hide who I am. But then some of can still think better after a bottle then most do sober LOL

    I won't name names but the devil made me say dat.

  18. xavier734

    xavier734 Guest

    Yes i think there should be place here for member only. Why not? Members should be rewarded for joining and have place to get away from troublemaker guest. I think mods should consider this serious request and offer place here for member only to post, but rest of forums can be open to guest.
  19. dog

    dog Guest

    As Nick already stated there won't be any change in the immediate future to our policy, or the foreseeable future for that matter - We are more the satisfied with the way it is now and are glad to have an open policy in this regard.

    As it stands now, only about 10% of the post are made by guests, and for the most part they are legit support questions, or they're providing support to others, or making contributions to discussions.

    "Trolling" (which I'm assuming is one of the underlying concerns/thoughts here) for the most part is rather limited, thanks to the quality of members and guests alike. Trolls aren't limited to guests by any means either - they posted from either group, and sometimes switching back and forth randomly.

    I'll assume the second thought is, guest generally don't always continue with their forum participation, they pop in with an issue, hopefully get it resolved and move on. We have no issue with that either, that's the purpose of Wilders' after all, we're a support forum. Every question /issue is a valuable contribution, without questions there's no need for answers, every question/issue adds to the knowledge base, which is documented and preserved here to help others who may face a similar situation in the future.

    With a finally thought on guest posting, I'll add; Some people aren't entirely comfortable when they first arrive here, they aren't sure who we are, what Wilders is about, or what the community is like; and being a security board we recognize that, we don't want to force anyone to give any details they may not be comfortable with giving initially (ie. an email address to register) ... but as their experience develops and they realize what we're about, many guests become members. We our proud to offer guests this freedom to get their feet wet, and continue it to those that choose not to register for what ever reason (privacy etc.).

    We thank everyone for their contributions here - It's the community that makes Wilders' what it is, that includes both members and guests - We're proud to have this way. And as Nick said, "Long may that continue" ;)


  20. Cochise

    Cochise A missed friend

    Jan 26, 2003
    North Thoresby Lincs Good Olde England
    We've all been down this road before.....Guest SHmest...Member Shmember...makes not the slightest jot of difference....this is a good place for goood people....if you want to help then help, if you need help, then everybody and his Dog (NO pun intended dog :D) will do their very best without favour or condescension to supply that help.....if you want to cause problems then do your won't last long....if your not happy with, or assume the TOS doesn't apply to you, then you will find you are quickly TOSSED....

    As far as I know, and I've been priveliged to have been here quite a while, this Forum has never been in anyway formed as a Clique, but has been open to all and sundry from all over the World and everyone that has ventured here has received nothing less than a hearty welcome and common courtesy...

    So in my opinion, come one, come all, member, guest....whatever....just come with good-will to your fellow man (and Woman:D :-* ) and enjoy excellent company.....

  21. bigbuck

    bigbuck Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Qld, Aus
    Nicely said 'Chise!
  22. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada
  23. mercurie

    mercurie A Friendly Creature

    Nov 28, 2003
    Sky over the Wilders Forest
    This is pretty much the way I see it. I really think some of the best advice on real techie problems come from guests who are just hanging around reading the posts and say, "Wow this creature has a real problem that I know I can solve." Such a Guest would not want to register just to offer solution to specific problem a member or another Guest maybe having. This type of poster would rather view and only speak when solution is not fourth coming from others. To allow only members to post may result in no solution or long delay for requesting poster seeking assistance.

    What I think is wise and believe is occuring is Guests are watched more closely for TOS violation. Why? They are less known, could become rude and may lack committment to the Wilders Forest.

    Just the way I see it.
  24. beetlejuice69

    beetlejuice69 Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    I guess what it boils down to is this place is just fine the way it is...and the way it has been. Great help for average and above average users. :cool:
  25. Airking

    Airking Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2005
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