Is Google making us dumber?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Krusty, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Antarctica

    Antarctica Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2003
  2. CoolWebSearch

    CoolWebSearch Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2007
    It does make us stupid, because if you think you can learn anything you are 100& wrong. It can give you information but you cannot learn anything, it's so much better to read books from credible writers than surf the internet, because the internet makes you a zombie and you are addicted to it like a drug cocaine/heroine, but you cannot learn anything-if you actually want to learn anything you should go to college.

    I mean today's kids cannot even spell letter "A", let alone to do anything practical, if we talk about the question on how exactly capable we are doing anything, the fact is we are by far the most incompetent species in the world-thanks to the internet and computers, I mean IT industry does not produce food, it doesn't help you with creative thinking, and etc. it all comes from the books and from the learning on colleges and direct interaction student-teacher/professor face to face, for example teacher could never explain to you something if you are stuck with something that you cannot understand if you try to solve it using Skype-but Skype does not help much, only direct conversation between you and the teacher/professor can help you eventually to solve the problem.

    Another problem is that people are so addicted to technology, both computers and internet-that's scientists fault than companies fault-people cannot think a life without computers and internet, well I can-I was 2 months without cellphone, no internet, no computer-it's incredible how much less stress people than have.

    And I could easily live like this indefinitely, anyone could, but if all 7 billion people stop using internet and computers that Google would crush financially, so would computer manufacturing companies-that are poisoning us with technology, before computers, there was a much better time, you could actually feel warm of other humans, today when you are so much addicted to internet and computer and science and technology, humans are egomaniacs, video-games fanatics, internet fanatics, no knowledge and no comfort is worth of this kind of stress, I rather spare entire day every day in agriculture in open air in the village than doing this what I'm forced to do, but if I ever earn enough money to get out from the internet and computer business, I would easily go somewhere far away outside the city, where there is no technology at all.

    And yes, science and technology/IT and computer business are more like a religious movements that have replaced all other previous religious movements in western world, they all think it's going to save people from the collapse, but the fact is the way people are addicted to science and technology, IT industry and etc., they are like drug junkies, who when you take away them their drugs they fall apart.

    You cannot save anything with science and technology, IT industry and supercomputers, if you do not change your own mentality-that is something, that not only politicians and super-rich, but also scientists and technologists are not aware of, I mean it should be forbidden by the law all that zombification that internet and computers are doing to the people, shame on scientists, technologists and inventors, politicians, super-rich but it's also the shame on people who accept and buy everything what companies and scientists and technologists sell them plus manipulating the people with marketing and public relations and using psychology and psychologists.

    Plus, if you want to meet the people, don't use the internet and computers, just get out from the house and meet new people talk to them directly, and not through technology.

    That's all I have to say, Osaban, neither of us should continue, since moderators will ban our posts, so if you want to continue, post either private message or not, however I will not open the computer for at least 30 days.
  3. safeguy

    safeguy Registered Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    If Google is making anyone dumber, then the person was already dumb to begin with. A smart person uses a tool to one's advantage.
  4. Minimalist

    Minimalist Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2014
    Slovenia, EU
    I agree. Google doesn't make you dumber nor does it make you smarter. It can help you find information and you can use their services but it's up to you what you want to learn and what not.
  5. emmjay

    emmjay Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    I respectfully disagree. I am fortunate to have a tertiary education however many millions of people all over the world will never have that opportunity. They learn from example and from experience - a very effective teacher. Applying what you learn every day or when it is suddenly in your face is different from storing so called facts in your head or having a discussion about it with a professor. Such a narrow perspective.

    Credible writers exist but what is the litmus test? Take science as an example. Just imagine what it was like for Charles Darwin in his day - as soon as his scientific research was published the hallowed halls of higher education tried to denigrate it. They did not consider him credible. Shall we get started on history books - no let's not go there, I may lose my cool.

    I understand the argument that is put forward about misinformation and disinformation, however it exists everywhere no matter how you access your information. You can learn from it though - well some people can.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  6. bo elam

    bo elam Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2010
    Is Google making us all a little less knowledgeable?

    In my case, No. I am getting old and I love history. I love to read history. Details and dates are important with history to make it flow and so all makes sense. And as time passes what I used to know by heart fades away so all the time I find myself refreshing different subjects. Thanks to Google search after a few minutes of searching for refreshing something, all comes back as my knowledge about what I am refreshing gets back to what it was when I was young. :)

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  7. Amanda

    Amanda Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    I think we already are. SmartPhones or not, Pokemon Go or not, we're bound to be stupid :p Pokemon doesn't ask people to go running across a busy street without looking to both sides, or to drive without looking out the window, but yet people do it, just like some people crossed the street without looking when newspapers were a big thing. People CHOSE to be distracted by things, unfortunately.

    And when considering just the general thought process, I guess it's a natural thing to depend on smart devices these days. I feel like in the past we could focus on smarter things, but life was also way easier and simpler. So whenever we can aliviate the thought process nowadays, we do.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  8. Osaban

    Osaban Registered Member

    Apr 11, 2005
    Milan and Seoul
    You seem to be too extreme in your judgment, nothing is ever black or white. I agree with you, there is a fundamental difference between research online (google) and proper learning. But this isn't really what is being debated, books that are online or accessible online were originally written and printed as books.

    My point was about the 'convenience' of having an encyclopedia online, not to mention the enormous success of Wikipedia, do you know how much was it to buy the Encyclopedia Britannica in the past? Credible writers remain credible online, it is really a matter of reputation and discriminating between misinformation and disinformation. Not an easy task, point taken, but not the end of the world either. And then what's wrong with ebooks, Kindle, iPads etc?

    Mind you I'm still old school and prefer print editions, but by and large I believe computers have brought more positive things then negative aspects. Addiction to the internet is really a matter of choices, my world view has changed dramatically with the internet, namely it has revealed how corrupt the main stream press is around the world, how news and events are manipulated to create a particular reaction among the population, but I'm digressing into politics which is not allowed in these forums. One thing for sure, I believe the internet is the last bastion of democracy...

    If you can afford to live 2 months without any electronic device be my guest, I would love to live on an island and relax, I'm afraid it is not a matter of direct choice but sheer survival. Only very rich people may have such a choice (I don't mean to be disrespectful, if we all stopped using our devices at the same time, it would trigger a chain reaction that would probably lead to high unemployment and social unrest).

    My dream as well, a beautiful farm somewhere in the country side where I can grow my vegetables, but with solar panels, an electric car, and an internet connection...

    Well this was one the underlying themes of the film "The Matrix". The problem is that it is too late to revert to a previous form of existence, change is necessary, albeit not necessarily an improvement. Computer technology is necessary to manage a population of 7 billion.

    I lived in Australia, Italy, Germany and I'm now living in Seoul, as you can imagine I have left behind many friends in those countries, and as much as I'm not a Facebook fanboy, it has allowed me to connect with people as far back in the past as forty years. Physical contact is great, but to be able to have the sensation that you are not alone with your past through technology is also a great soothing experience...
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  9. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    Well, we seem to be heading for a calamity...So, I think the world has become dumber, but whether because of Google, that remains in doubt.
  10. Anonfame1

    Anonfame1 Registered Member

    May 25, 2016
    Splitting the atom gave us the ability to create devastating bombs that were unequaled in the horror they could unleash, yet also allowed us the ability- from a complex slightly larger than a Walmart- to power an area code for 50 years.

    I agree with you 100%. Technology has traditionally been neutral in regards to the good and bad, smart and dumb, etc; our moral integrity has improved at a much slower pace than our technical prowess, and so google can yield ignorant hateful close-minded crap just as much as it can yield useful information. We keep finding just as many bad ways to use technology as we find good ways, and I really hope that changes at some point before we destroy ourselves.
  11. Kirk Reynolds

    Kirk Reynolds Registered Member

    May 8, 2011
    There are reliable sources online that are just as credible as using books. You just have to go to the right place. A lot of them are in the education networks. There's always been people that are sheep and people that are hard to fool. The Information Age has changed our society a lot, and like anything there are some potential drawbacks, but overall it's a tremendous advancement in this world.
  12. Krusty

    Krusty Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2012
    Among the gum trees
    #10kdays: Internet marks 10,000th day since invention by Sir Timothy Berners-Lee

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