
Discussion in 'MRU Blaster Forum' started by tuamo65, Feb 3, 2006.

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  1. tuamo65

    tuamo65 Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2006
    hey all,

    I wonder if someone would be kind enough to help with an installation (?)
    problem I¨ve been having with Mru-blaster. I have a home version of windows xp with Norman firewall and anti virus software. I installed Mru-blaster and scheduled it to scan my comp automatically once in 15 hours.

    However, something peculiar must have happened since once I turned my comp on and logged on i got the message that went something like fhe following (all in Finnish so this is my rough translation so
    please bear with me):

    "D:\ Program files\ Mru-Blaster\ indexcleaner.exe Windows is unable to use
    defined/spesified [not quite sure about the translation, sorry] hardware, path,
    or file. You may not to have adequate administrative rights.
    [under this an OK button]"

    If i hit OK, my comp seems to be running fine without anything weird or
    suprising going on. Does anyone happen to have any idea why I do keep getting this message and how to get rid ot it /fix it? Any help would be greatly

    ps. while I was busy translating this I happened to stumble into a possible explanation. After installing Mru-blaster I installed spy catcher.If I understood correctly this spy catcher now keeps putting Mru's indexcleaner into quarantine even if I tell spy catcher not to do this. Or have I misunderstood this?

    Anyway.. is there something I can do to fix this when I would like to keep both Mru an spy catcher?
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