ie9 an add on failed to load

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by stratoc, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. stratoc

    stratoc Guest

    Hi, I havn't used SWB for a while, I use firefox as main browser. I switched AV from eset to Avast.
    I had to use 2 browsers, for speed I opened ie9 and on many sites I got an addon failed to load message from ie9, I thought this was Avast, I switched back to eset and still had the problem. I tried everything reset ie9 I just couldn't get it to work properly, Adobe flash was the add on that was not loading. I remembered I installed SWB 4.5 after disabling all protection ie9 was fine again!
    It happens 50% of the time, it looks like adobe flash is timing out, I get it most on cable forum, but it also happens on other sites.
    No problems with firefox, I found this my accident as I don't use ie very often.
  2. jpcummins

    jpcummins Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2006
    Terre Haute, IN
    I receive almost the same message exception being my browser is ie8. Is there a simple method of discovering which add on is failing to load? And, if the add on is identified what steps must be taken to see that the add on is loading properly? Additionally, is there a way to see that add ons are being updated or replaced? Believe me I know just enough to get myself into trouble. As always all replies will be appreciated and I would thank you in advance.

  3. stratoc

    stratoc Guest

    It was adobe flash for me, see if you get any red 'x' marks where there is meant to be a banner, best example I could find was the add on cable forum and the main banner on 3d guru happened about 60% of the time, sometimes it was ok but there was a deffinate delay.
    both load fine with protection disabled.
  4. De Hollander

    De Hollander Registered Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Windmills and cows
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