HTTPS Wilders in Google results

Discussion in 'Forum Related Discussions' started by J_L, Nov 18, 2013.

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  1. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    I know it's an old and locked topic, but this specific issue hasn't been discussed before. Now on Google, I notice quite a few results that lead to HTTPS.

    Isn't it bad for Wilders if people's browser blocks them when visiting the HTTPS version? Yes, it's a personal inconvenience for myself as well, not wanting to use HTTPS and make exceptions.

    Is this issue worth fixing? If so, how? robots.txt?
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    It may seem like there is a lot of https traffic from search engines, at least, based upon the results you have viewed. But, it's actually only .4 of 1% of our total traffic. There are webserver usage reports that show the traffic levels. It's very small.
  3. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    Well if it's too small to be a factor, I'm fine with that. Just a bit annoying sometimes when searching the Wilders via the Google site: parameter.

    I do that, because the forum search can be a bit limiting and Google tends to be more accurate parsing the entire site.
  4. RollingThunder

    RollingThunder Registered Member

    Nov 21, 2013
    J_L: I agree. I frequently like the "site:" paramater on google. The relevancy especially if you throw quotes around the query your hit ratio significantly. I dislike Google in many many ways. It is very hard to beat the topic specificity of that type of lookup. Maybe Wilders can employ a bit more boolean and other tricks in its search routines? Hint, hint, hint, hint, hint ... ;)

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