hey I feel bad....no replies to my earlier post

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by brotherfreakshow, Jan 11, 2003.

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  1. brotherfreakshow

    brotherfreakshow Registered Member

    Jan 7, 2003
    I was wonfering if anyone had any opinions on the
    best way to install program,drivers,updates ect.

    I use a program called End it all. I think its easier
    than booting in safe mode(also programs that need
    Windows installer can be done this way,with booting
    in safe mode you can't).

    End it all gives you a choice of closing an app.
    or killing it(last resort,program not responding)
    closing the program is the same as close or exit
    in the programs file menu.

    I have used this often and find it very handy
    when installing new apps. ect.

    I would like to hear other opinions please... :'( :'(
  2. snowy

    snowy Guest


    Would not want you to feel bad......so just a short post to make you feel welcome. Haven't any info to offer on your question......enditall has been around awhile but don't know anyone using it.
    Personally I prefer just to shut down as many running programs as I can....an do whatever new installs.
    Nor do or would I install anything while in the safemode.
    Really never found any need to. also I prefer to have some protection during install.....my virus/trojan programs may be shut but small security programs remain enabled.
    this has worked for me for years without any problems an I install numerous programs for testing purposes.
    if it at all be avoided I rather not use or install third party software......testing perhaps but only a rare few programs actually installed....even with nearly 11,000 mb free space

  3. *Ari*

    *Ari* Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    Hey Brotherfreakshow

    I just wondered what this thread might be then if not yours ?

  4. snowy

    snowy Guest

    Mr Krusty

    much thanks .......

  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Greetings brotherfreakshow,

    Well, it appears you have posted the same topic in a few threads here, so I'm going to do a little cleanup for you. Since the other copy in this forum section (Software & Services) has received no replies, and is basically a duplicate of this one, I have deleted it. And K®usty has kindly linked us over to the thread in Port Explorer...

    Just as a general practice and for you to consider in the future, it's best not to post the same topic in multiple threads on a forum. ;)

    To answer your question, I myself prefer to close programs using whatever options are built into them. For example, Zone Alarm (the firewall package) may not respond well to being forced to close by any other means than its built-in shutdown option. In some cases, it may disable the system's network interface if forced to close by external means. But, it was purposely designed to be resistent to being shutdown externally. Many other programs were not.

    Best Wishes,
  6. *Ari*

    *Ari* Registered Member

    Feb 15, 2002
    Hey my friend Snowy

    No problemo....I have been following your posts, you make sense most of time, thank You.
    Now I think I go taking some rest...I was online whole night and all hours right here at Wilders :D .
    On next tuesday I will start one more course and the purpous would be to become as computer mechanic, after one year, dunno what after that ...

    be well *Ari*
  7. snowy

    snowy Guest

    Mr Krusty

    very best wishes on your education ......an enjoy your rest. Appreciate the compliment....I try....not always right but honest in trying.

    Good Night

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