Has anyone used SecurSurf- Surf Anonimous

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by Rilla927, Oct 11, 2005.

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  1. Wotanus

    Wotanus Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2006

    my understanding of secursurf is that you will get from Securstar the account data of special server with a fixed IP-Address. Everytime when you go into the Internet via Secursurf you will get this IP.
    Regarding rapidshare downloading without a premiumaccount means that you have to wait after a download for the next download for about a hour.
    Is this correct?

  2. eternalbeta

    eternalbeta Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    That's correct. Indeed, if I use secursurf everything works with rapidshare as a normal non-premium account.

    When using Anonymizer though, many clients get the same IP so that every time you want to use rapidshare you find that either the ip is still downloading something or that this ip has already downloaded and you have to wait.

    In any case, I found it rarely possible to download from rapidshare with anonymizer but secursurf doesn't pose any additional problems.

    If only I could get past one of the last screens for payment I would opt for a premium account though. Seems to be worthwhile.

    Unfortunately, I never succeeded to do so both with firefox and IE and the rapidshare helpdesk was not able to help but redirected me to try with one of the forums for a solution, which doesn't make a good impression regarding their know-how.
  3. Wotanus

    Wotanus Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2006

    I'm thinking about what remains of anonymity when using a rapid share premium account via secursurf.
    Premium accounts are controlled by cookies. Other access to rapidshare is controlled by the IP address. So from my understanding in spite of secursurf there is less anonymity when using a premium account.

  4. eternalbeta

    eternalbeta Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    Could very well be as I never used a premium account so I don't know if you can use a per session cookie with a premium account or not
  5. Wotanus

    Wotanus Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2006

    some request regarding Emule:

    I use emule 0.47 a

    I add in Secursurf

    Local port: 1080. Should be same as the proxy port in the Emule
    Target server: localhost
    Target port: Your SecurSurf Server Port (The One they gave to you)

    The Emule settings

    Proxy type: HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1
    Proxy host:
    Proxy port: 1080. Should be same as the local port in SecurSurf
    Under Connections in Emule: Disable Kad and UDP; TCP-Port 4662

    When I used as proxy type HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1 in Emule I got the message:
    big mistake to build up connection; possibly your internet connection was disconnected

    With socks 4 and 5 I got no connection, timelimit passed.

    I got only a connection with proxy type "no proxy".

    Any idea?

  6. eternalbeta

    eternalbeta Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    Could it be the port 1080 which is creating the problem. Just to be sure the first time I just copied Miracla's setup, including port 4800:

    Local port: Choose freely, e.g. 4800. Should be same as the proxy port in the Emule
    Target server: localhost
    Target port: Your SecurSurf Server Port (The One they gave to you)

    The Emule settings

    Proxy type: HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1, both works (equally bad)
    Proxy host:
    Proxy port: Choose freely, e.g. 4800. Should be same as the local port in SecurSurf

    I used as proxy HTTP 1.1 in Emule and in connections I disabled UDP and KAd and autoconnect on startup and just for the lack of an alternative i filled in 4800 tcp, which emule can't open of course as that has already been taken by secursurf, but at least this setup works.

    On the server tab I disabled "use smart lowid" and "safe connect"

    Hope this helps.
  7. Wotanus

    Wotanus Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2006

    in the meantime I use a privacy.li. It's the same than secursurf. Emule is now also running. My question is whether this using of Emule is really anonymous provided that the privacy server log no IP's.

    Shortly I found the following:
    Emule isn't anonymous.
    With anonymous proxy services you are only anonymour regarding surfing. Becuause most of P2P-nets uses their own protocols, it is not poosible to use HTTP-proxies.
    Even if you enlist a Web-proxy, it is onyly a web proxy. Only the information (which emule gets via HTTP) are taken via the enlisted web-proxy. The downloading of data is not anonymous.

  8. securityx

    securityx Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    Re: Has anyone used SecurSurf- Surf Anonymous

    Not quite right.
    Try Findnot.com

    Anonymizes All Your Internet Activity:

    Web browsing/surfing (including https)
    Email (Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc)
    P2P file sharing (Kazza, Morpheus, etc)
    Chatting (ICQ, IRC, AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc)
    Newsgroups, FTP
    Works with virtually all internet applications

    Have used them in the past with no problems whatsoever. They are less expensive than SecurStar, who frankly, I wouldn't trust. Shawn has never been customer-friendly and all of their products (DriveCrypt, DC PlusPack, etc.) are closed source. Paying for access to extra servers is ridiculous. With FindNot, for example, you have access to about 25 different servers at any given time.

  9. Wotanus

    Wotanus Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2006
    I'm not quite sure whether tis fact is right but in an other forum someonegave the following information about findnot:

    Findnot will log the IP'S and store them for 5 days. The servers are located in the EU (Germany, Netherlands ...).
    So if that is true I would not trust them.

  10. securityx

    securityx Registered Member

    Dec 1, 2005
    Thats wrong. FindNot.com uses servers all over the world. You can choose to use the ones you want and not use the ones you don't. Simple. FindNot is far superior to the "pay-by-the-server" approach of the SecurStar bunch.

    As for the logging, they are HONEST enough to admit they keep the logs for five days to prevent abuse of their service. Period. If you're worried about TLA, that is insignificant as it takes MUCH longer than five days for TLAs to determine they need to get info on you, get their bureaucratic butts in gear, etc. The logs are long gone before they ever get around to asking. With that said, I hope you're not doing anything to attract attention from TLAs!

  11. Defenestration

    Defenestration Registered Member

    Jul 17, 2004
    Hi securityx,

    What sort of sustained download speeds (eg. normal HTTP download of installer for an app) can you get with findnot.com ?
  12. TheMachinist

    TheMachinist Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2006
    Hey, i have just purchased Secursurf and already got problems.

    I want to get FTP Connections to work.

    Here is what i did:


    Local Port :21
    Target Server: localhost
    Target Port: 21

    In FTPRush and FlashFxp i entered:


    Proxy Type: Http (also tried socks4,socks4a and socks5)

    Only thing i get upon connect is:

    [R] Connecting to server via Proxy -> IP=localhost PORT=21
    [R] Connection failed (Connection lost)
    [R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1

    In the router i tried to open port 21.


    I did the following now:

    local port: 50100
    target host: localhost
    target port: 4567

    In FTPRush


    and FTP Connection seems to work.

    Do i need to link to the given port with every unknown service to get it to work?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2006
  13. TheMachinist

    TheMachinist Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2006
    Okay FTP works now, but i got another problem:

    On some servers i need identD auth, is it possible to do this when using secursurf to connecting to the server?
  14. Chubaka

    Chubaka Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2006
    No, I havent used SecurSurf,
    But I have been using MetroPipe and it has been very good too me and my bussiness.
    I needed a service easy to use, with support and that took care of all my office computers privacy.
    Their tunneler pro didnt need me to configure any of my computers's programs, including email, chat and skype programs.
    I dont trust companies that have servers at all inside the US and that record logs like anonymizer and findnot.

    It seems to me (and makes me upset) that securityx works for findnot and it is not speaking the truth.

    I found out that findnots vpn has very serious and dangerous security issues like keeping logs for 5 days, allowing DNS spoofing when their connection drops and you dont even know. That is why I changed my service provider.
    I just dont trust them anymore.

    Does the securesurf have a Vpn service and has anyone used it?
  15. StevieO

    StevieO Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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