Global software piracy

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by Smokey, Jun 13, 2003.

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  1. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    The rate of global software piracy declined 10 percent in the past eight years, but there was only a modest 1 percent reduction from 2001 until now with a sharp increase in what piracy costs companies,
    the Business Software Alliance (BSA) said in results of its eighth annual survey released Tuesday.

    BSA members include many of the world's leading software publishers including Microsoft Corp., Apple Computer Inc., IBM Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. The survey attempts to measure the number of software applications in use without a valid license.

    Over the past eight years, there have been reductions in the use of pirated software worldwide, with every country except Zimbabwe decreasing pirated applications in use during that period, the BSA said.

    The piracy rate was calculated by measuring the difference between the estimated demand for 26 business software applications in different markets and the legal supply of those applications.

    Estimated demand for applications was derived from market data supplied by a technology market research firm. Software shipment information supplied by BSA members accounted for figures on the "legal supply" of software, the BSA said.

    The survey found dramatic reductions in areas such as the Middle East and Africa, where more than 80 percent of software was pirated in 1994, compared with 49 percent in 2002, BSA said. In Latin America, the piracy rate fell to 55 percent in 2002 compared with 78 percent in 1994.

    Tougher intellectual property laws in some countries have helped companies pursue pirates, said Bob Kruger, vice president for enforcement at the BSA.

    BSA-sponsored education programs in those regions have also succeeded in changing lax behaviors in using licensed software among otherwise honest users, Kruger said.

    However, reductions in other parts of the world were more modest.

    In North America, the piracy rate fell from 32 percent in 1994 to 24 percent in 2002. Similarly, in western Europe, the rate fell from 52 percent to 35 percent over the same period.

    The lower rate of decline in those countries reflects the thornier problem of dislodging entrenched piracy operations and users intent on using pirated wares, Kruger said.

    Year-on-year declines were also modest, especially in North America and western Europe, where the piracy rate declined by 2 percent between 2001 and 2002.

    Despite the decrease in the percentage of software that is pirated, financial losses due to piracy are on the rise owing largely to higher prices for software in 2002, the BSA said. Worldwide losses grew from US$10.97 billion in 2001 to $13.08 billion in 2002, an increase of 19 percent. In past years, falling software prices have combined with the decreasing rate of piracy to keep worldwide dollar losses low, the BSA said.

    Vietnam and China topped this year's list of countries with the highest piracy rates with, respectively, 95 percent and 92 percent of all installed software in those countries lacking a valid license, the BSA said. China also topped the list of countries responsible for the biggest dollar losses due to piracy, accounting for more than $2.4 billion in lost revenue, up from $1.6 billion in 2001, the BSA said.

    The dubious title caps a trend that emerged in recent years as China's economy and use of technology have grown despite a worldwide recession, Kruger said.

    The BSA will continue to focus on user education, Kruger said. In countries that lack adequate civil laws to protect software makers, the BSA may also pursue criminal prosecutions of known pirates, he said.

    "We typically try to avoid sending police out to arrest people in their homes. But if we can train attention on some of the higher-profile players and more egregious situations and send a message more broadly, we'll do that," he said.

    Source: IDG News Service, Boston
  2. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :eek:i dont know look like bs to me i think its actualy higher then they say

    but the china thing thats almost on the money

    as for loses maybe as a total around the world but compare that to there profit you might be surprised

    i think the ones that actualy hurt from pirating are little companys or small computer programers

    but companys like microsoft will personaly i think they flood the market with illgal beta os

    reason i say that is cause microsoft really does have the best security on there secrets

    rember you posted something about microsoft terms being so outragiose that the company trying to buy a licnse would have to shoot his employes lol

    perty much true i have actualy seen a contract for building a house for the poster boy of microsoft cant say who it is but he fameouse

    i can tell you right now those contracts are almost as thick as a dictionary

    so the fact there is illigal os of not even released operating systems like long horn makes you wonder

    im only thinking out loud and its only an opnione nothing more

    but i truely belive they flood illgal copys of there software so more people use it

    if every one has microsoft every one uses microsoft perty smart isnt it

    if linux and mac started giveing a bunch of free software like a set amount

    i truely blive thed cover more of the market

    there is literly no way for a new os that has not been relesead to apear on the net in less microsoft wanted it to

    they are some scary people with there lawyers

    yet i dont see any one geting cought or sued for haveing long horn and it hasnt even been released explaine that
  3. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    There's thousands of download sites out there for warez and millions of people around the world downloading both legal and illegal versions of software.
    There are thousands of people out there that download hundreds of programs that they collect and most of the time don't even unzip them.
    There are Drs and Lawyers as well as politicians that download warez, and there are people that make less than a thousand dollars a year trying to have a computer and buy programs because they are brutally honest.
    What's my point? There is no way for the BSA or anybody else to judge how much piracy affects the sales of software.
    Other than OSs, AVs, graphics programs, and autocad, if people could not download the rest of the programs illegally, they would not go out and buy the program.
    Piracy is illegal and I am not saying it should be condoned. Neither should the BSA make it out to be the monster they are trying to make it so that they can get legislation passed to bypass peoples reasonable rights to privacy.
    I do not want to make this political, but there are forces around the world that are eating away at our rights to privacy, our rights to free speech even and operations like the BSA and the RIAA, if left to do their work will make the internet a nightmarish joke of what it should be.
    Download an MP3 and go to jail is the next step.
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Yes, I think you have a very key point there, root. If any group, such as the BSA noted above, assumes that every pirated copy of a software product would have been a sale if the pirating was somehow made impossible, then they are over estimating in an attempt to make the problem look worse than it is.
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