Forum search facility

Discussion in 'Forum Related Discussions' started by axial, Aug 7, 2008.

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  1. axial

    axial Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2007
    When searching for info on particular tools, e.g. "Sandboxie", tons of often unrelated msgs come up because many folks have their preferred apps listed in a sig line.

    I can't see any way to filter out search hits in sig lines; the only other possible way that looks like it might work would be "sort by relevancy" but I haven't yet tested that enough to know whether it will do the trick.

    Any suggestions on other options would be welcome. The forums are an absolute gold mine of information, just trying to make finding it a little bit easier.
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Member signatures are not index in the vBulletin post table or used in search results. (I'm talking actual signature fields from their profile. If a member manually enters signature like text at the bottom of every post, then that would indeed be in the post and search index tables.) If you are talking Google searches, then yes, Google can't tell a signature from the post contents.
  3. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Hhhmmm I also was under the impression that signatures DID appear in search results... It seems I was wrong...

    EDIT: I just double checked, Low (as expected) was right, signatures AREN'T indexed :D
  4. axial

    axial Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2007
    Thank you both.

    I meant searching via the forum's web interface, not google, and the "manual signatures" that appear at the bottom of many posts. [my clarity quotient seems to be stuck on deficit today]

    I appreciate the feedback.
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