Errors in Linux installation

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by MrPiercer, Sep 7, 2007.

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  1. MrPiercer

    MrPiercer Registered Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Suddenly things started to go wrong.. This is found when I try to start up nod32d:

    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: NOD32 scanning Daemon, version 2.52.2, (C) 2006 Eset, s.r.o.
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: NOD32 main configuration file - nod32_cfg_path = "/etc/opt/eset/nod32/nod32.cfg"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Temporary files directory - tmp_dir = "/tmp"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: NOD32 base directory - base_dir = "/var/opt/eset/nod32/lib"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Daemon socket file - nod32_sock_path = "/var/run/nod32d.sock"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Number of daemon threads - num_thrd = 3
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Maximum number of sessions - max_session = 1000
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: License files directory - nod32_lic_dir = "/etc/opt/eset/nod32/license"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: License warning enabled - license_warn_enabled = yes
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: License warning external script file - license_warn_script_file = "/etc/opt/eset/nod32/scripts/nod32d_license_warning_script"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Logging level - log_level = 6
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Logging format mask - log_mask = "11100111111"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Internal logging enabled - log_enabled = yes
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Internal logging output file - log_file = "/var/log/nod32d.log"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Whether to rewrite internal output file - log_rewrite = yes
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Syslog logging enabled - syslog_enabled = no
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Syslog facility - syslog_facility = 3
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: External script execution enabled - exec_script = no
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Virus notification script file - script_file = "/etc/opt/eset/nod32/scripts/nod32d_script"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Enabled samples submission system (Charon) - samples_enabled = no
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Charon cache directory - samples_cache_dir = "/var/opt/eset/nod32/cache/charon"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Charon delivery enabled - samples_send_enabled = no
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Samples delivery period - samples_send_period = 3600
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Charon provider e-mail - samples_provider_mail = ""
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Charon provider country - samples_provider_country = ""
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Charon proxy authorization file - samples_proxy_authfile = ""
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Quarantine directory - quarantine_dir = "/var/opt/eset/nod32/cache/quarantine"
    2007-09-07 17:49:09 +0200 note[20580000]: Start NOD32 scanner initialization
    2007-09-07 17:49:10 +0200 error[20580000]: Cannot initialize scannerpool: Internal error (code 112).

    Anyone with ideas on this?
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