EAZ-FIX question

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by raakii, Sep 6, 2008.

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  1. raakii

    raakii Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    i want to know whether the space assigned to baseline is constant or not ?
    my next question
    does the amount of free space remaining in the c drive change when changes are being made to baseline.
    that is
    Is there any thing like the size of baseline increases with the number changes made to the system increases .
    this question may also be relevant for rollback rx and ayrecovery users..
    (i have not created any snapshots)
  2. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Not sure I understand. If all you are working with is your baseline, it's like working with out having Eaz-fix installed.
  3. raakii

    raakii Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    my question is simple

    "If u make lot of changes in ur system after eaz-fix software is installed, does the space used up the program increase?"
  4. farmerlee

    farmerlee Registered Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    Once you've installed eaz-fix, the baseline is locked and doesn't change at all unless you specifically use the 'update baseline' option.
    Any changes you've made since installing it will be taking up space, exactly how much you won't know until you take a snapshot and then check its size in 'snapshot history'.
  5. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    The space occupied by the baseline is constant.

    If you make a lot of changes you will notice that the occupied space on the disk increases but temporary; until you perform a snapshot defrag and "reclaim" the free space of your "Current Snapshot".

  6. raakii

    raakii Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    If i dont take the snapshots ,then will the space change?(i mean i only use baseline and synchronized exclusion folders)
  7. Aaron Here

    Aaron Here Registered Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    With all due respect, if you don't take snapshots after the baseline you are defeating the entire purpose of EAZ-Fix (or Rollback Rx). o_O

    As stated by others, the space taken by the baseline snapshot remains unchanged, but if that's your intended 'M.O.' I suggest you abandon EF and use a disk-imaging program!
  8. Jo Ann

    Jo Ann Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2007
    Only making subsequent snapshots will consume more disk-space. But (as Peter and Aaron have indicated) it makes no sense to use EF or RB (or for that matter, any of the instant-restore programs) without taking additional snapshots as your system undergoes changes. All of the instant-restore programs require system overhead and the EF/RB variety modify the MBR, so unless you are going to make use of snapshots beyond the installation snapshot (the 'baseline') do your system a favor and opt for one of the several decent disk-imaging programs instead (as Aaron suggests). ;)
  9. raakii

    raakii Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    thanks for answering my first query.......

    well i do take snap shot whenever it is very important and also have a habit of updating baseline whenever i find stable updates and additions of programs .

    my baseline itself has lot of installed programs
    i dont take a snap shot because i have less disk space as of now.

    most of the changes i make on c drive i more of data than programs ,so i use exclusion list very much........

    disk imaging program take around 15 minutes to restore(eaz-fix take few seconds only) and are fairly good.
    i do use disk image programs like shadow protect and drive snapshot ......,but exclusion list during restore is unfortunately not available in the disk imaging program as far as i know.......

    i may go for disk imaging as a permanent solution if i have some folders to remain intact during restore..

    i have lot of free space on drives excepting the windows drive
    i have 20 gb of disk space on c drive of which 4 gb is free , i want to extend the overall disk space to 40 gb , without reinstalling xp ......is it possible?i need increase the disk space but also want my drive to remain intact ......If i get a solution to this problem i will use rollback software though i have taken a disk image also for protection
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008

    PROROOTECT Registered Member

    May 5, 2008
    HERE ...Fort Lee, NJ
    Raakii it is possible,

    Without reinstalling XP - it is possible :

    Use KCleaner, RegSeeker, Advanced WindowsCare 3 ( Beta ) ; clean your services and startup entries, use Windows Installer Clean Up, JavaRa ; delete WindowsUpdate.log (force delete ...), ReportingEvents.log, clear hiberfile.sys ... etc. etc .
    My wife, it agrees; then ...
  11. raakii

    raakii Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2008
    i am not increasing my free disk space , i have to extend my partition and add 20gb from another partition ,without the erasing contents of original partition
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