do you use peerblock ? and which list did you subscribe ?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by mantra, Mar 3, 2012.

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  1. mantra

    mantra Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2005

    there is a topic about peerblock but it's too old and i could not add a question

    may i ask ?

    do you use peerblock ? or is inadequate security/privacy tool?

    and may i know which list did you subscribe ?

    do you use the http block enabled ?

  2. kupo

    kupo Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    I've read in the peerblock forums an interesting yet foolish way to use it. That person blocked all ip ranges ( to and specifically allow ip one by one.(Browsing through the website, go to the logs and allow. or updating application, go to the logs and allow.) I used to use it, but with the lack of development, lack of support to IPv6(AFAIk it doesn't support IPv6, which will make it almost useless, in the future once IPv6 replace IPv4), and for me, lack of effective lists, I stopped using it.
  3. Technical

    Technical Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2003
    Is this Peerblock development still alive?
    The latest post in the webpage is from 2011... Some download sites only show the latest 2010 version...
  4. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    From what I've read both at the forums before and at the official website, there are plans for a new version, which will be coded from scratch and work in an entirely different way.

    There have been some requests to allow communication to an IP, but only if it matches a given domain. And, also which processes to allow to make that communication. But this should be for PeerBlock v2.0.

    According to their website, they were working on improvements for the current version, which would come out as v1.2.

    I hope they haven't dropped it.

    Regarding how effective PeerBlock is, that will depend on the lists one uses. I suppose they have to be effective for the what you wish to do with them.

    For instance, let's imagine you want to block access to A,B,C country IPs, then if you use lists that block communications to those IPs, then it's effective at blocking those. (Let's forget about proxies and all that...)

    There are some lists you could use, but are not originally in PeerBlock's format. You'd have to create a script/program that would do it on your behalf. There's a Bluetack's tool, something like Blocklist Manager I think, that allows to convert different formats, but I'm not sure how good it is. You'd have to give it a try.

    Anyway, I hope they don't forget about PeerBlock, or that at least someone else with great skills takes the code and works it. :(
  5. Technical

    Technical Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2003
    Thanks. But I tend to not believe in security programs that are not being intense developed. I had my issues with Peerblock in the past and I could not wait for an update that long... :doubt:
  6. mantra

    mantra Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2005

    i noticed that they update the list frequently

    about the lists , they can block lots of webpageso_O

    is there an alternative to peerblock ?

    i use the standard list , the 4 that come with peerblock

    but i have never understood if peerblock is a software for the p2p security or a general software

  7. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    Some firewalls allow to import lists. I know Outpost does, for example. But, that would be a drastic move. :D

    No wonder it's blocking a lot of web pages.

    It's what you want it to be. Do you want it to block anti-P2P? So, use those lists when needed. For your normal browsing, just disable those anti-P2P lists, otherwise you'll see lots of web pages being blocked.

    Do you want it to block access to education institutions web sites? Use the education list. Do you want to block countries? Go crazy and block them. :D

    Do you want to prevent access to malicious IPs? There are some lists in PeerBlock's format, such as the default Spyware, but I never really looked into it to see how great it is. There may be others.

    There are lists to block access to SpyEye, ZeuS or even Palevo commmand and control servers, by But, they are not in PeerBlock's format. Actually, ZeuS is in PeerBlock's format. -

    I wonder if that ZeuS list is actually provided by Wouldn't also provide SpyEye and Palevo PeerBlock's format as well? o_O Then again, maybe it is... who knows...

    Anyway, for ZeuS, SpyEye and Palevo trackers, if you're interested, there's Mirage Anti-Bot, which has been mentioned in the other anti-malware section.

    There are probably n lists out there, it's just a matter of being of use to you, and whether or not they're PeerBlock's format.
  8. whitedragon551

    whitedragon551 Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2008
    It was made for torrenting. THe theory behind it was that they would block government IP addresses that could track torrents that were being downloaded by what IP addresses. Issue with this is that their lists blocked universities and more than just government entities and in general just blocked all peers on a torrent weather they were legit or not. Peerblock is useless.
  9. mantra

    mantra Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2005
    but can i block the ip range of a nation ?

    for example -

    this site can let download a list an ip range nation but i don't know how can i importo_O

    i don't want to do manually , and in ipblock site there is not a good list of this nation

    can i do it? can i import it?
  10. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    You could give this service a try -

    It has lists in PeerBlock's format already. You automatically load and update the lists, but you'd need to use the http version of that service. PeerBlock won't accept https, in the current version. I don't know if a future version will allow it, though.

    Load lists in PeerBlock, open the user interface and then go to List Manager > Add

    Where it says Description, name the list accordingly, to what's suppose to be doing, just so that you can differentiate it among other lists you may be using/may come to use.

    Then, in Add URL:, paste the link you want. Then, press OK. Then, you just need to close the List Manager window, and PeerBlock will automatically download the list.


    The reason I pointed you to a different service, simply has to do with the format PeerBlock's lists have.

    It seems that the IP ranges in the service you mentioned are in this way - PeerBlock's format doesn't accept the spaces.
  11. 333

    333 Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2012
    I think that programs such as peerblock are a necessity when surfing.

    Especially with all the p2p trolls, and others these days.

    Peerblock does have some great features that should be used

    [along with other software] to achieve a somewhat secure computer.

    By setting Peerblock to show all connections you can easily see what is

    coming and going. A right click on an ip address in the software window

    will allow you to allow or block these address's temporarily or


    You may also block HTTP with one click.

    Go to and download many more lists. Want to block a country, p2p trolls etc, there you go.
  12. mantra

    mantra Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2005
    but the list is not complete , it misses lots of ip range of this nation
  13. pajenn

    pajenn Registered Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    i use peerblock with the following free lists:

    and the following non-free lists:
    P2P Allow

    sometimes it blocks a legit application, in which case I look at the log and allow that app manually (add it to the allows). i usually "allow http" because otherwise it keeps blocking half the sites or downloads or internet apps that i use, however, maybe if I were using fewer lists or just free lists then I'd block the http.

    is it useful? well, all i can say is that it's continually blocking connection attempts when i have utorrent running. however, it's only as effective as the lists you use and you need to pay to get the best lists.
  14. Function

    Function Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2012
    Is PeerBlock needed if you only surf websites (So HTTP), play games though Steam, and use Skype/Mumble?

    I take it PeerBlock is useful if your Torrent or use IRC?
  15. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    My opinion is that there isn't a straight answer. For instance, imagine that none of the available anti-P2P lists are effective. In this situation PeerBlock is not useful, and simply because the lists themselves are useless.

    Now, imagine that you want to block some specific country, for whatever reason. If the list that blocks such IPs is well maintained and effective, then PeerBlock will be useful for that one task.

    You need to think out of the box. PeerBlock isn't limited to block communication with anti-P2P IPs/servers.

    As long as a given list (regardless what it will block) is well maintained and effective, then you can use it with PeerBlock, for that effect.

    For instance, imagine you'd want to block access to Wilders Security Forum. All you'd have to do is block access to the IP. So, effective. Right? But, don't block this forum... :D

    Anyway, that's just an opinion... :thumb:
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