Dk2.2setup found in MIRclean

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by EricTDS, Jul 6, 2003.

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  1. EricTDS

    EricTDS Registered Member

    Jul 6, 2003
    Hello, My PCDoorGuard has found dk2.2setup.exe in your free app. MIRclean.exe, Is this supposed to be there? As this was identfied as a security risk.

    Eric :eek: o_O
  2. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    Hi Eric,
    We've never had any similar reports regarding mIRClean so it is almost certainly a false alarm. mIRClean hasn't been modified in over a year either, so it's very strange that only now you're detecting it -- perhaps there's a problem with the latest database update of PCDoorGuard, or perhaps it is just finding some of the strings that mIRClean searches for. I'm not sure what "dk2.2setup.exe" is, but I can assure you it has nothing to do with mIRClean. Please feel free to download other anti-virus scanners and you'll see that PCDoorGuard is probably the only thing that detects anything in mIRClean.

    Best regards,
  3. EricTDS

    EricTDS Registered Member

    Jul 6, 2003
    Ok, Thankyou for your response, PCdoorguard is very sensitive & more than likely did pick up on a string that MIRclean looks for.

    Thank you
  4. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi Eric,

    I've seen a few bad false alarms before on install/uninstall stubs, which are part of the installer program which puts a program on your PC. mIRClean uses the same installer as DiabloKeys (DK) so I would say their signature is taken from a bad location - you would want to let them know of your false positive detection so they can fix it and avoid this in the future, its not uncommon it seems :)
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