Can't restore under xp!

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Uguel707, Apr 29, 2003.

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  1. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Hi everyone!
    I'm under xp Home....

    Well this is a fine mess I've gotten myself into...Yesterday I had installed Regpro and one hour later, I installed Softimage 3D XSI, 149 mb,--yes, still at it-- with the assistance of Total unistall but don't know if the progr was too heavy , eventhough the install process seemed normal, it didn't start after launching it. Instead, a note pad window popped open saying ...echo off. Tried to find another icon, in case I could try another way..., but no, there was nothing left save the note pad message saying echo off. So I desinstalled it with complete desinstall. TOOK 4 HOURS LONG ! But today at noon, when I sarted my computer many regpro windows popped up and asked if I want to delete this or that key from the registery--keys which were launching at start--OH!!! I may have deleted a wrong key or maybe it's something else... like the launching and desinstallation of that Titanic that may have interfere with stg. Don't know. One thing I know for sure it is since yesterday I have not been able to restore. So, an hour ago I desinstalled regpro in case but nothing has changed yet.
    Can't restore. Also I can't even put a smily here.., there stg holding in the back...Any idea?
    Thank you for reading! Uguel
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Do you mean that you can't run System Restore (via Start menu > Help and Support > System Restore > "Restore my computer to an earlier time") to move your system back to a previous restore point? What error message do you get when you try that?
  3. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Hi LowWatermMark,

    well, when I clicked restore in the configuration pannel a window is "struggling" to open and when it does the only thing I see is a blank window. No calendar, not even a letter. A blank window. Normally, I would see a calendar with many dates options. I don't even see a single number. IT's kind of bug now, it's just freezing stiff. Is there a missing DLL ? I have no idea!
    Thanks! Uguel
  4. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    I just want to point out that when regpro started today it didn't ask to take off keys from Softimage, which seemed to have desinstalled properly, but is asked if I want to delete keys from programs like Norton, Tweax xp pro, etc. from the start up menu. I said no to those all, since I knew they weren't bad scripts that launched at start up...but...I said yes to applications which I couldn't indentify. THAT WAS A MISTAKE! Maybe I deleted something good? Did I? Is that possible that regpro had erased (because of my carelessness of course) a restoration key from the system restoration? Which could be the cause of that blank window.

    Or is it because the install/ desinstallation of Softimage could have taken stg away from the registry when I desinstalled it yesterday?
    If the cause of that is an important key from the restoration system, where can I get it?
    Yes, I know how to use the restoration system and I have never experienced that behaviour before! Normally it's all neat! Just have to follow the indications and that's it! Bye! Uguel
  5. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest

    How is the "memory" enough resourses? lets see..does XP even have a resourse meter..if not...just check by right clicking on the "my computer"

    yes I've had the same thing happen a couple of times....once after trying to remove several times when tweaking the start-up....and sadly to say...after deleting wrong dll...opps.......
  6. The snowman

    The snowman Guest

    just by chance...did the stuff you delete go to the recycle bin.......if still there it could be restored
  7. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    really gave alot of thought to this before thing very obvious is that right now you don't really know what has been even if you do succeed in recovering system restore you may still end up with a crippled operating system.........if dlls were deleted from the registry I have serious doubts that system restore will be able to re-state those deleted dlls........even doing a go-back...........several times it was not able to do so in my case.......programs did not work or did not work properly afterwards.
    my personal thoughts on a situation as bad as yours....if it were me I would reformat just for peace of not always be wondering if the os was crippled...........just my thoughts
  8. JacK

    JacK Registered Member

    Jun 20, 2002
    Belgium -Li?ge

    First try in command line : FSC /SCANNOW with your WinXP CD in the CDROM

  9. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    thank you both for your help!

    Snowman, thank you.
    I'll check the memory tonight just in case. B'cause i've got to go to work soon.

    JacK, thanks!
    what I have is a recovery CD-rom for xp. Where do you find : FSC/SCANNOW? on the hard disc command? ? Or by right clicking on C: in the Post station menu?

    This morning, I tried f8 when opening my computer, but, it didn't go anywhere when I hit the no failure mode. The screen became black. Stg must be missing. But I'll have a check at what your said tonight.
    Have a nice day! Uguel
  10. Patrice

    Patrice Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Hi Uguel!

    It's impossible to delete important system files in Windows XP. If you delete one it will be reinstalled after the next startup. System Restore will work, here's what you have to do:

    -Restart Windows
    -Press F8 during booting
    -A console appears where you can define several things
    -Choose Start in Safe Mode

    After that Windows has started up, go ahead and try to do a system restore. If you are unable, use different commands in the repair console of Windows. You'll find more information about that in the Microsoft Knowledge Base, if you are unfamiliar with those commands.

    But perhaps you don't need to use it, because your system restore tool will work in Safe Mode.

    Best regards!

  11. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    It's impossible to delete important system files in Windows XP. If you delete one it will be reinstalled after the next startup. System Restore will work, here's what you have to do:

    -Restart Windows
    -Press F8 during booting
    -A console appears where you can define several things
    -Choose Start in Safe Mode

    Patrice, I can't even "quote" your post, it doesn't work anymore since I had that problem...Sorry, had to go that way.
    I'm glad you said that.
    I'll try what you said in a couple of minutes. Today, I remembered having clicked "yes" when regpro asked if I want to delete a VBS file from the start-up menu and another file which was stg like: MSST, I'm not's sounded like that. Maybe that is the caused of my problem.
    After careful consid. I don't think it's a bug...Why? Because the debugger mode window for ending tasks didn't show up as it would in that case. That window never appeared when the page went blank. So, logically, it wasn't a bug but really stg that could have to do with the visual basic script I think.
    So I'm gonna try your suggestion. I cross my fingers. I tried this morning, wasn't too successful. When I tried "f8" and then "safe mode": Enter, I had a black screen with a flashing cursor appearing and that was all. Anw, I'll have another try. I'll tell about it. Bye, and thanks a lot! Uguel
  12. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    Wondering if you have diabled your system restore accidentially
    NAME: Disabling System Restore on Windows XP
    ALIAS: Disabling Windows XP AutoRestore feature

    In Windows Millenium there was a new feature introduced called System Restore. The new Windows XP has this feature. It creates backup copies of the essential system files so they can be restored if they get corrupted. Sometimes this makes disinfection difficult as backup files can get infected and copied to System Restore folder by Windows. Then after disinfection Windows will copy the infected file back over the clean ones.

    System Restore feature can be disabled using the following steps:


    System Restore Feature

    XP contains a new feature called System Restore that restores the system to a previous configuration point. Should you restore your system to a point before you activated XP on your computer, the OS will forget that you activated it and you'll need to reactivate XP. If the system restore point is past the 30-day grace period that Microsoft allows for activation, you'll have to activate XP immediately. The only workaround to reactivating your system is to perform the following steps:
    Start your Windows installation in Minimal Safe mode.
    Move to the \%systemroot%\system32 folder.
    Rename wpa.dbl to wpa.noact.
    Rename wpa.bak to wpa.dbl.
    Reboot your system as normal.
    Note: The above procedure will work only if you've made no significant hardware changes.
  13. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Thank you all!

    I tried your suggestions but I had no luck! Even with the Safe Mode the restoration couldn't be done. Twas the same behaviour. After that, I tried to reinstall winxp with the recovery cd but the process I don't know why, stopped half way and said that stg was missing...(SXS.DLL) o_O Everything seemed topsy-turvy... I couldn't figure out what to do next. Finally, I brought my pc to the store and asked for advice. They said there wasn't anything simpler than that....After they reinstalled XP, they realised they couldn't acess internet anymore! :rolleyes: They had to lend me another tower! But today, everything was settled and I have the same good old PC now. I was taught a lesson:


    Or at least, ask relevant questions before doing stg new.
    Bye, Uguel
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