Are Spywareblaster and SpywareGuard Duplicating Efforts?

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by KDNeese, Dec 23, 2005.

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  1. KDNeese

    KDNeese Registered Member

    Dec 16, 2005
    I have used both SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard for some time now, but I now used other antispyware as well, so wondering if using them is overkill and merely duplicating efforts. I use the following applications (as well as both SB & SG):

    NOD 32 anti-virus
    Counterspy (resident active protection)
    Sunbelt-Kerio Personal Firewall (Paid version with HIPS)
    Ewido Anti-Malware (with resident Guard)

    I also use several stand-alone, non-resident scanners:

    Ad-Aware SE
    Spybot S&D
    Bazooka Scanner
    Microsoft Antispyware (non-resident, realizing it is same signature database as Counterspy, but sometimes still finds things Counterspy does not)
    Analog-X Script Defender (which I disabled since Kerio intercepts scripts)
    Sentinal 2.1 (non-resident - runs at start-up and shut-down)
    HostMan hosts manager (MVPS Hosts)

    Also run several diagnostic tools:

    Autoruns (Sysinternals)
    Process Explorer (Sysinternals)
    Rootkit Revealer (Sysinternals)
    X-Cleaner (free)

    I also use Opera 8.5.1 as my browser, and never even open Internet Explorer except in certain cases where, on some websites, Opera doesn't work really well. I also have Internet Explorer locked down very tightly and have all ActiveX and Scripts disabled. I realize just having it on your system (even if it isn't opened) is still somewhat of a security risk. But my main question is, since I have all these other apps running (and they are paid for so I plan to continue to use them), do I really need SpywareGuard monitoring for executibles and CAB files since Counterspy, Winpatrol and Kerio do basically the same thing? Also, since I rarely use I.E. (average 2 times in last three months), so I need SpywareBlaster? From what I understand, SpywareBlaster doesn't need to be running, so takes up little or no memory. If that is the case then I guess there would be no harm in leaving it alone if it doesn't conflict with any other software. I would appreciate any input in this, as I'm trying to make my system as secure possible without running any unnecessary applications or apps that overlap in the duties they perform. Any input would be appreciated.
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