Anybody use Iobit360?

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by T_Durden, Jun 10, 2010.

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  1. BlueZannetti

    BlueZannetti Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2003
    To all:

    We're not playing the veiled innuendo game on this site. Stick to the product/technical facts, leave the ridiculous (unsupported and unsupportable) speculation and commentary on members or members motives out of it, or move on.

  2. snoopy2010

    snoopy2010 Registered Member

    May 21, 2010
    Agreed well said BlueZannetti..
  3. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hello Sir!! I do not wish to cause any trouble here. I believe in my heart that IObit360 is a bad program. I only wanted to tell about my experience with the product. I will move on to other topics. Thank you for your advice. I'm very familiar with IObit360 and will share with anyone my experience with the program and try to keep it only on that level. I felt challenged by a member here and really wanted to discuss what all he tested on the program. There are many tools in IObit360. Some of are very good and helpful , but the Malware part and the memory leak problem out weigh all the good parts. I will move on now, and check back latter to see if I can be of any help to those that want to know more about IObit360.===garybear PS I lived with the program from day one, and I know all about the problems with Malwarebytes and the problems with the entire program.
  4. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    The same situation is nascent in another thread as well. :gack:

    Meanwhile, back at the topic --

    IOBit Security 360 (IOBS) can be installed without restart. Therefore it can be trialed using Shadow Defender or Sandboxie.

    The "tools" option offers a couple of marginally useful adjuncts, a couple of dead buttons, & at least one plug for Advanced System Care. Inasmuch as I tested the free version, the plug is understandable, perhaps, but still an annoyance.

    I was curious enough to let this run all yesterday & last night -- after 17+ hours I still discern no memory problem of any sort. However, several others have had such issues, so it's something you might want to watch for if you decide to trial this program.

    I do not have a data base of malware so I am unable to test IOBS's protection/detection. I shall hang this one out to dry until someone comes along with *hard data* about IOBS's actual effectiveness.
  5. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Please Sir!! What have I done to you to make you so angry with me. I do not wish to cause any problems. I'm only saying what you are saying.
    "several others have had such issues, so it's something you might want to watch for if you decide to trial this program." This is your quote sir. Please think about this for one second. If several others are having memory leaks; isn't that some thing you might want to avoid. Why do you give a link to another post of mine, and why did you go to IObit forum to check my posting. If I understood the warning from Blue Zannetti, this is not the place for this. We debate a APPS not each others character. I sir intend to abide by the rules as stated by Blue Zannetti, and I will not respond to your comments about these things any more. I too shall hang this out to dry. I do not mean to offend you or any member on this forum. I will try to keep my personal felling to my self and discuss what is relative to the topic. I think it's time for me to move to a new topic. I'm sure there are more interesting topics to discuss on this forum. It seem that we do not get along very well and I will leave. The post you want everyone to read was posted by me because a member asked why I stayed on the IObit forum so long. I may have gotten to personal but tried to answer the members question. IObit forum was my first forum, and I stayed because I made many friends there.===garybear
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  6. BlueZannetti

    BlueZannetti Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2003
    OK, we're done. Thread closed.

    garybear - let it go. You have an opinion, you stated it, time to move on.

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