AntiVir Personal Edition Classic

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by musicman, Dec 30, 2005.

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  1. musicman

    musicman Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    There has been numerous posts on this antivirus software pro's and cons and dicussion about the new beta version which is in the process of being tested. However what is really a plus for this software is simplicity and effectiveness of this antivirus. Granted the updater is slow and files to some extent are large to download......however thats a small price to pay for a good antivirus software which is free!!! Why look a gift horse in the moutho_O
    Granted there are paid versions out there which have more features, better detection capability. But AntiVir Freeware has nothing to be ashamed about and I sincerely feel is a quality software and just will get better. I am running this on 2 of my test computers and my own pers computer, to date it has caught everything thown at it. That speaks for itself!!.....Have licenses for Nod32, McAfee , and Kaspersky they are outstanding antivirus softwares...............but......the little guy is my choice because it works, and provide free for those that can't afford or want to pay for a antivirus software. My post is from the heart.
  2. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK
    IME, this is still not a good choice for some dial-up users. I have had consistent difficulty with connecting to the Classic servers here in the UK.

    Therefore, in my case the Premium version would be my choice of the different AntiVir editions.

    The degree of protection is obviously important but so is the ability to update often and quickly without Server problems. This is the ONLY AV that I have ever used that has given me update problems.
  3. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :) My feeling on this is well known so I won't rehash it, but do give the other "free" virus protection programs a shot (AVG or AVAST). The companies behind them in my opinion are light years ahead of the one behind AntiVir.

  4. ellison64

    ellison64 Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2003
    I guess the update problem is real for some users on dial up, though the incremental updates should help.I remember a time when i was quite happy using avg6 on dial up.When that became very popular , it was often very hard to get an update from that too (overloaded servers....which could last for days on end as im sure many posters here will remember), and many reverted to adding extra servers in avgs initiation file.Also of course many of us were happy to get just the weekly update from avg which was the norm at that time.I guess avs have come a long way since then ,and so has our expectations maybe..It does work better for some on dial up than for others.I think thats apparent.I would mention that i tried classic first of all and like it so much that i decided to support the company by purchasing the premium which affords (among other things) the extra ad/spyware detection and mail scanner for less than most avs that i can think of..From the premium point of view ,i have nothing but praise for the product and for the support ive recieved,including replies for malware sent in.I would imagine that if your on the most basic broadband (1/2 meg) or if your on an anytime dial up connection, the problem wouldnt be so apparent.I can understand the frustration that could arise if you were on pay per minute dial up though.
    I think antivir classic free and dial up is a case of suck it and see how it performs on your system.
  5. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :rolleyes: The company behind AntiVir/Classic (free version) has been hinting at incremental updating for years now, sorry but I still do not see this finished.

    No I have become convinced that this company leaves quiet a bit to be desired, while other companies providing "free" virus protection programs have demonstrated that they are genuinely trying to get better and improve, they are doing this in a timely manner also, something that H+BEDV has never done. I judge H+BEDV on their performance in regards to their "free" product, it would stand to reason that they would attempt to put a good face on for the paid one. I have head rumors that the paid version isn't that easy to obtain outside of Europe either, which in my opinion would be yet another minus against them if this were to be true. No there are other affordable good options, I say this company has not demonstrated that it is worthy of your support, their program not withstanding.

  6. StevieO

    StevieO Guest

    Hi Wildman,

    I've been trying out AV PEC for a few months. I did use to notice slowish etc DL's until about a month ago as i posted before.

    A few weeks ago i Uninstalled that version and Installed this version from their site.

    The odd thing is the date - License Data 31-1-06 ?

    Unless i'm going crazy, or somehow i've got a special version, this version DOES do daily incremental updates when i manually update via the panel !

    The other day they didn't have the WMF fix. I DL the Trojan on purpose to test it, and AV didn't pick up on it. Today i went to quite a few sites see if any were still trying to DL it. As soon as i hit a site that tried it on, AV jumped in with my options, and i deleted it. So that proves that AV is updating OK !

    By the way i didn't get infected as i'm bolted down, and didn't run it either, just uploaded it to jottis to see if they picked up on it. Only a few did at first.

    The updates dont just vary in size, to be expected, but also sometimes there are 2 or 3 in quick succession. I think these update the program etc along with the defs. It's also very fast compared to before, even allowing for the smaller file sizes.

    I have also noticed that they seem to have sometimes 3 to 4 fresh updates available daily now, including through the night.

    So i don't know what version others are using, but grab a copy of this one, i'm sure you'll like it.

  7. newYearUser

    newYearUser Guest

    :rolleyes: Well, then we'll say it' a question of faith, I guess :D
    Yup, these companies have demonstrated many things recently, for example various flaws and vulnerabilities which were reported in the news. :D.
    :rolleyes: You do like rumors, don't you?
    Thanks to you for your :rolleyes: VERY enlightened advice. You're a model of intelligence to us all :rolleyes: As your posts demonstrate, you're very well informed on soooo many things... :rolleyes:
    Best wishes anyway.
  8. ellison64

    ellison64 Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2003
    I know from your postings that you have used (and supported) antivir classic for years so im not going to pretend that i know more about thier past record than you do.However the update problem doesnt seem to affect everybody and thats the problem.Also the update issue isnt as important to some as it is to others especially if the product is free.I stated AVGs past as an example , and it was true that on many occasions it was impossible to get an update for days on end,and updates were limited to around once a week.If i remember correctly they too initially placed "regional" restrictions on thier product.I dont know if antivir does this intentionally, but your quite correct in saying (and its not a rumour ) that they do seem to have made it difficult for purchase outside of europe by not listing any country other than european ones in thier drop down (registration...which is required) menu ,and insisting on creditcard payments ,with no trial period.Queries (that have been responded to) regarding these issues in the official antivir forums suggest contacting hbedv directly ,which will put many people off in my opinion.It is possible that with the imminent arrival of antivir 7 ,that perhaps (depending on the companies marketing strategies ?) things will improve markedly for the global user and not just european users.
  9. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    I just lay it out there as I see it, I also use what experience I have had with this and other products, which goes back to 2000. Now if you think I am enlightened or not, I really don't give a damn.


  10. Brian N

    Brian N Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    Well, AntiVir is working and kicking butt on my Win2000 - So I can't complain :p
  11. waters

    waters Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2004
    Having problems with beta heuristics,reporting false alarms.Although after sending ,i get a reply back very quick.Anything that looks like a crack or patch etc it jumps in.To be fair ,it does warn of this on website .
  12. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I didn't know AV's were used to measure someone's intelligence. :)
  13. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :rolleyes: I would sort of expect this, what with you living in Europe. I also suspect that you are using the pro version as well.

    No I still stick by what I have said about H+BEDV. I also fail to understand why ayone using a paid for virus protection program would use products from this company when there are some excelent other choices available, and some of them European companies.

  14. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :D Thanks! I think my earlier post sort of summed up how much I care. Oh just to make some people aware, I did do some programing back in the 1970's and 1980's. I will admit I would not want to try and do any today, but I think you get the picture.

  15. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I was a programmer myself during 1985 - 1995 using FoxPro as computer language under the good old DOS :D but I didn't like the job.
    I prefer to solve user problems, not computer problems.
  16. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :) I retired from the U.S.A.F. in 1988, we used a language called SAMUEL, it was a combination of COBOL, FORTRAN & PASCAL. I wrote programs for data usage in regards to Military Personnel information. I had over one million dollars worth of hardware and software in my office. As I said I would not even attempt to do any programing today, that is in my opinion how far we have come. Also when I was doing this, we were expected to produce results and do so in a very quick turn around amount of time, excuses for not doing so were just not tolerated, and could have resulted in disciplinary action being taken. So I have little to no tolerance with the programmers of today who make excuses as to why they can not produce results in a timely manner.

    :blink: o_O :gack:
  17. Zimzi

    Zimzi Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2005
    When I try to install a few diferent software getting this warning:

    Unable to execute file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted.
    ERROR 2: The system cannot find the file specified."

    And when AntiVir (Classic 7 Beta) Guard is deactivated there is no error, I can install all of the software.

    Undoubtedly it is problem with AntiVir Beta.
  18. Stefan Kurtzhals

    Stefan Kurtzhals AV Expert

    Sep 30, 2003
    Zimzi, was that file reported as malware, can you please check the guard log? Maybe you disabled the interactive mode for the guard and the file was automatically blocked (false positive).
  19. Zimzi

    Zimzi Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2005
    No, it was not reported as malware. Also, the interactive mode is enabled.

    The problem occurs several times during various software installation (Java Runtime, Mailwasher etc.). It looks like the AntiVir Guard has been restraining some programs installation. It also looks like that installation always has been blocked while unpacking the "uninst000" file.

    I use older pc (Celeron 800 Mhz, 256 ram, Windows XP Pro SP1). Perhaps that is all about?
  20. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :cautious: Well I see that AntiVir has developed a new forum for the Classic "free" version, and I will admit it is much improved over the old one, but still has a few things left to be translated into English. I also saw a post where they admitted that purchasing the premium version outside of Europe is a large hassle, and even so in some countries of Europe. I also do not see any indication of when version 7.0 will be out of BETA. There you have it folks, the rest is up to you.

    :ouch: o_O :shifty: :isay:
  21. Brian N

    Brian N Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    Nope it's the free one - I did use the pro version once, but I saw a nice offer from Panda that I couldn't refuse.

    And why wouldn't people use the pro version? This AV is excellent compared to many others. No I'm not gonna mention any names and start yet another "blabla vs. blabla" thread.
  22. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    o_O In Europe where it is easy to acquire I can somewhat understand, but where it is somewhat of a hassle, that is beyond my understanding. I also find it strange when people are asked to say what "paid" virus product they are using that AntiVir is very rarely mentioned, so I do question just exactly how good is it really.

    :blink: :ouch:
  23. Brian N

    Brian N Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    Just because it's hard to get in the US doesn't mean it's a crappy AV.
    That a very strange way of looking at it if you ask me.
  24. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Agree. It is has *arguably* the best heuristics of all freebies, & regularly/consistently updates signatures. It does very well in tests by AV-comparatives and VBulletin. I have DOZENS of my people in US & Canada happily using AVPE for over 2 years now. By downloading updates during 12AM - 6AM Germany time, everything zips along at 100+ KB/s.
  25. ellison64

    ellison64 Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2003
    Its possible its rarely mentioned ,maybe because it is ,as we all know, difficult to get outside of europe ,and i guess many security forums have members worldwide.Maybr with version 7 and if antivir wants to compete with the "big boys" then it will go global.Regarding how good it is , all i can give is my opinion ,which is that it is very good.I have as much confidence in its ability as i did when using kav , and the reason im using it now ,instead of nod or kav (which i have licences for both) is because of its adware/spyware detection (which i believe is better than nods) and its overall lightness with low system impact which is better than kav5.It is not without its issues though .On my system certain programes seem to conflict with it...usually firewall type programmes with application/network monitoring.The latest is blackice with its application and network monitoring.Antivir doesnt seem to like anything "questioning" its network rights or startup at system level , and this usually reults in an endless reboot or bsod on my 98 system.
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